Asmongold the Literal God is Back to FFXIV! Stormblood DAY 2
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
► 🎸 Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough
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I am living for this!
Wtf is wrong with him? Banning people left and right in chat on reddit. And now you have to have your phone number verified to even chat on twitch?????
"The main thing that I like about Final Fantasy… THE WORLD IS FULL!?"
Nice reason, ahahaha
The world is always "full" but not really. It's just batch login system that uses the same system as the full server queue system. If the queue is shorter than 100 then it's not really a queue and it's not really full.
Lyse is such a terrible character. Why does she have to be so hot?
Can't wait for him to get to the Trials! Say what we can about Stormblood, but we can't deny this is when Trials started becoming REALLLLY next level.
Cant wait till someone tells him, that when he writes something in say/shout/yell/party… that mouth of his character moves as speaking(the longer the text, the longer the animation)…
His comeback to FF was so disappointing, 6 hour intro react content talking about the same stuff and less than 90min of gameplay, and when he plays it there is this mob of cringe fucks following him around ruining the viewer experience.
Man the YT algorithm knows. Every Diablo or blizzard vid gives me an immortal ad, and every final fantasy vid gives me some fuckin weeb ad.
I cannot wait until he fights against Lakshimi.
That fight has a BOP of a fucking boss song.
No, Tataru is not that bad at all, the only Lalafell I like, and the true MVP of the scions.
Asmongold? Is that you?
lmao @ "shitgard"
How can you throw Materia away? God dam. xD
What’s up with all these people trying to get me to invest?
Prepare come jul5th cause it will break the servers again even so the new servers in EU😭
Kugane is fucking awesome
I don’t know why but asmon playing the MSQ is so fun to watch
I need one thing to start playing this game. New UI
Man, all this hate for Lyse from Asmon. She's supposed to be stupid and bad right now; this entire expansion is her whole story arc. She starts off very naive and optimistic, and it's kind of annoying, but that changes over time, and she gets better. Alisae is worse in terms of how she acts and what she thinks she can do, and has a much longer arc to grow into, but no one complains about her to the extent that everyone just despises Lyse. I mean, considering that Asmon got pissed at Alisae for straight-up speaking her mind about her distaste in piracy to the pirate doing them a favor, as opposed to him getting annoyed at Lyse for, what, thanking people for their assistance? Kind of seems like he's hating on Lyse because of the zeitgeist of everyone thinking she's stupid and annoying. She is, but it's so she can be built up into something better by the end of Stormblood, and while what she eventually becomes isn't as huge of an improvement as what other characters become by the end of future expansions, it is still character development. Plus she doesn't have the benefit of having Ishikawa write the expansion, so there's also that.
I don’t think Asmon realize that Tataru was blackmailing the Captain of the Krakens not telling him he’ll make money.
every "hell yea brother" just reminds me of xeno lol
The Lyse hate is hysterical
My mans gonna change his name to Asmonkugane
Id legit love to see asmon play samurai since were in stormblood. Maybe someone can dragonpill him on the Zaela, after hes met them in the steppe
Is Asmon looks up raids before doing them, hope he looks at a text version so that there are no visual spoilers
Asmon is not a stupid person, far from it. I hate that he must behave likes one becuase his audience.
Ugh I kinda hate how fast Asmon’s team kills bosses
55:11 cant agree more.
How is "see to thew wounded. If they live help them, if they are dead move on" savage? You can't help the dead. It's not like he said "if they can't hold a sword let them rot" or something.
I love how twitch chat will randomly have 3 people use the gigachad emote for 3 different reasons.
He always talks about how much he LOVES New World, WoW, PoE, Lost Ark and can't wait to play them or get back to them. On his 2ns stream he plays those games. It honestly feels like FF is an afterthought to him, almost like it's a chore to play. I don't see why he bothers with it.
Final Fantasy is terrible and so cringe and feminine.
31:56 he really said what everyone thinks at that moment