Asmongolds finally plays FFXIV!
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Recording, editing by Lulu
#Asmongold #FFXIV #streamer
Bellular, arthars, Asmongold, ferro, jessecox, rinkarigani, streamer, streamer highlights, Final Fantasy xiv online, FFXIV, FF14, fanfest, Finalfantasy14, Shenpai, arthars, Luxthos
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I just love your character at the end with that music <3
I spent over an hour creating my character
War, Good Man!
I hope people stop trying to ruin the game for him. As much as people like to say it’s just his fans- there were plenty of veteran FFXIV players harassing him too.
If you are one of those people who “don’t want his kind in the game” then you are setting yourself and others up for failure. That is toxic behavior as much as you don’t want to admit it.
so many gay! haha around asmonds
>Lisa Lomasa
>Steps of Mald
>La Nokia
I watched his whole stream, he was very nice. Especially during Sastasha !
MSQ roulette + needing to do a number 2… Jesse really is a Final Fantasy player.
… Did he lose a bet?
Because, this is the best penalty ever in the history of ever if you lost a bet.
Rich Is savage whit " this game can't even uninstall right "
Let's all have a moment of silence for those Cactaur players who logged on to discover their server in complete chaos lol.
Im happy Asmon does seem to be enjoying the game tho.
The nokia Ringtone clip wasn't here? that part was funny AF , chat was telling him to pick the phone Asmongold .
Does anyone know wHat song the bards were playing in Linda? •Limsa even
My favorite moment is when Asmon sees his first cutscene with the Garlean Empire and they reference the emperor and he's "They have an emperor"?! I mean yeah, that's why it's called an empire.
Y'shtola is Asmongold's waifu
I was laughing so hard at rich's reaction to the cabbage beatdown
It's kinda nice to see a lot of faces from wow playing 14 for a number of reasons:
– I see them playing the story and their reactions, and since im still in shadowbringers it's spoiler free (i don't even know the bosses from eden)
– A lot of times i can see them happy, Rich is kind of an exception since he's having way 2 much fun hahaha. WoW have a strange relationship with their playerbase to say something, since a lot of people play the game even when they hate a lot of that so it's nice to see those faces enjoying themselves.
– I get to know content creators from FF like you. With youtube algoritm i get some random videos and for me, it's a lot of fun to see new content creators.
– And lastly, since well known faces from WoW , assmongold is the best example and i still can't believe he got 200k people watching him, can bring new life to the game, a game that i learned to love and i like the idea that people will try it out and hopefully have a good time such as myself.
Thanks Lulu!
I love the ending
you character looks amazing
Love that you choose that as the ending song
Excellent done!
LMAO everyone trying to get Asmongold angry but all his reactions were "woah, wow, that's pretty cool! wow!", they actually caused the opposite effect
My dude kept talking smack about "cat girls" and as soon as he met Y'shtola he was ready to marry a Miqo'te
What song is being played at 9:23 when Asmon walks by and he says "Wow"?
I'm honestly disgusted with the FFXIV community for even allowing this.
asmongold: "i think i'm about 5 % done"
me: boy…you're not even 1 % done xD
I hope some lvl 80 dude was cool with him instead of the dick heads messing with him
Glad those 80s got banned they are a bad representation of our community
I'm a veteran RuneScape (3) player. I'd never given much attention to FF at all, until I stumbled upon Asmon's videos on the latter, and I must say, seems like quite a stupendous game: almost as good as RuneScape, and definitely much more worth it than WoW. Maybe I'll try it one day, I'm not sure. I feel honoured, however, by the respect shown for RuneScape's music at 9:15 and the outro; the whole soundtrack, including Sea Shanty II, has been rerecorded and improved as RuneScape evolves, and sounds beautiful now. But the revolutionary game of the old times made the history of MMO, and the fact that the Final Fantasy community remember that is worthy of much respect.
Lol what is that intro music? Is that a real instrument? Or just a synth?
wut ? Nixxiom is playing XIV ? Noice
5% done? Just the MSQ will take you 150+ hours easily. Then you haven't done the sidequests, gotten serious about Triple Triad, gotten through Eureka and Bozja or started raiding.
I miss being a sprout like them
What, pyromancer is playing FF14?
Lol the high pitch uwu that on guy was talking about reminds me of koel birds. Devil birds that will wake you up early in mornings
ya know… with ryne cs… ya…. she lost minfilia's soul and became a red head.
its really sad all those losers had to try and ruin his intro to the game