Asmongold, Final Fantasy XIV Sucks !!!

My quick and dirty thoughts on why FF14 is the most boring MMO out there.

Don’t be a sheep. Play big d andy only games like WoW.


28 thoughts on “Asmongold, Final Fantasy XIV Sucks !!!”

  1. I won't insult u or anything because apparently ff14 is not for u and that okay and not everyone have to like the same thing but calling it bad game I think u r extremely wrong, u just wanted the attention which apparently u got it from all those people, I agree with u in one thing though how people calling ff14 story as the best ff story or the best video game story I do agree that those people are overexagrating Because it is not those people probably haven't played any other games before lol they probably only played ff14, they only wanted to protect there sub money to defend the game to the moon, but overall I don't think what u say is right by calling the story is garbage cuz that not true the story is brilliant, yes u have the right of not liking it that fine cuz it not for u but u can't call it it bad cuz it not bad, it a brilliant story that speaks about rebirthing hope and makes a positive change.

  2. Im playing it because sadly there isn’t much else to play as mmo these days . The boss fights are fun for the first few times. Leveling is trash , the story is trashy click fest

  3. I switch my brain off and click through the quests , teleport tons , sprint , fly mount , it’s a clicker game and you pray for dungeon or trial quest which is the carrot at the end of the stick which keeps you addicted enough to suffer the crap required to have some fun

  4. This game sucks. And its funny seeing people aggressively defend this game (mostly weebs that just want to be some fashion model in game) yet when people say WoW sucks, no WoW player cares.

  5. For a while I had been hearing all the hype with shadowbringers story and although I havent gotten to it yet so far playing this game has been one of thee worst gaming experiences of my life

    Pros: The boss fight are actually amazing, and the beat drops live up to hype.
    My character is really hot rn and thats cool, the graphics are pretty good, and the world has a nice weighty feel to it.
    The occasional cool moment in the story

    Yes wow is not the best at quests, in terms of questing I'd say the PEAK is Secret World and everything else falls short by a mile, but fuck me at least every other game isnt basically a novel/walking sim. Like I can spend an hour questing and maybe only fight something once. Go to A, read dialogue, teliport to B, read dialogue, teliport to C, cutscene.

    The writing is mostly bad. Granted their are some cool badass moments but its mostly just bad exposition spouting to pad out the story.
    People use the term: Show dont tell, and FFXIV does the opposite of that. Tell TELL TELL
    And they honestly really expect you to give a crap about these characters even though they all barely have a personality, and they have so little development as characters. They're all just generic good guys with the same dumb smiles.

    I have to wonder what kind of person thinks this writing is good? Sword Art fans?
    Like is this the same kind of person who would argue with me about Fatal Bullet not having a bad story/questing?

    Are they just fapping everytime these terrible ass npcs talk and they're just hanging on every word they say?

    It's like they have an entirely differant concept of what entertainment is.

    This game is suppose to be a story focused game and that's honestly its weakest area, the dungeons, raids and bosses are the best part, yet this game has you mostly running from point A to B so fuckin Belafonte can tell you to teliport to Ramhnistali to talk to Donekatqaaa

  6. i still hear how you should not skip anything and read everything, and that its not about end game stuff.. while i'm also being told that the level grind is basically boring until you hit level 60, then it gets good, .. giving that the level cap is 80. (dose anyone ells see what's wrong with these statements)… don't skip anything, for 60 levels, so it can get good at endgame.. but its not about endgame… lmao, well then, what's the point of saying the old stuff matters, and its just as "important" if nothing gets good, till end game anyways.. i find a lot of double talk in the FF14 community, (and yes they are very toxic – just look at most who talks about ff14 on YouTube, they have to tip toe around what they say, or they will get bashed for it.. and they know this so they talk about the game as if its not full of flaws, or they look scared when they do point out a flaw).. what's the point of telling someone not to skip "its good" while also saying its a pain and its not till basically you get to endgame … LMAO

  7. For a game basically completely driven by its questing, the questing is very dull. Talk to someone walk to the next person, talk to them, repeat. Not my style. I was spoiled by OSRS questing I think. But I spose if you are one of them types who like visual novels and reading and stuff this would be great for you. It is what it is.

  8. Just started playing 1 month ago and i cant get pass realm Reborn. Everything you said here is how im feeling especially the too much reading and running with no action. I am not willing to pay a monthly sub to read and run to point A to point B for months and months. Sorry but the truth hurts. 😩

  9. I believe that effect that Final Fantasy 14 has had with people, specifically those who have dedicated their time to one MMORPG, is that they find it different, yet they use the words "great, the best ever, etc". Different and Best are not the same thing, hell those tend to be subjective most of the time. Granted, if you have been playing that one MMORPG for a long time (insert mmorpg name here) and no other, I believe chances are that you could find other MMORPGS refreshing the moment you try them out.

    To me it's no surprise that most people fall into the cognitive trap of the classic "Us Vs Them". You can see it from miles away nowadays. Some people just want to say that they "belong to a group" It's in politics, in music, in fashion, sports, you name it. And I do not really know if they genuinely know and feel what does belonging to a group really mean or feel like. It's just one of those tribal things that some people still say and one can't really blame them for this behavior. You have to make some work to find something that remotely resembles a "tribe" nowadays with all this technology. Added to this, we've been part of tribes longer that we've had nations with millions of people, so this frame of mind is very much expected.


  11. The armor looks great but have no real unique feel when all the dps classes and tanks have almost the same design except for the class armor. The solo gameplay is a drag, the story wasnt very interesting and some things didnt even make sense, pvp…………, alot if the quests were dry and the dungeon runs get old quick, all feel the same nearly, the combat is on the slow side, played as mnk and just had a somewhat brain numbing rotation. But the music is great 👍🏽. Idk maybe im just done with mmos

  12. I've genuinely never seen such an overly angry and juvenile comment section on Youtube, and yes I'm referring to FF players AND the people here who dislike FF.

    Do all of you people have autism or are MMO players really just this dumb these days?

  13. Game is garbage lmao, funny watching the ppl in comments be diehard defenders. I remember the days they came for my favorite MMO and I did the same. History just repeats itself I guess, they'll see how when the new MMO comes out for final fantasy and they are left in the dust. It really is quite a cult at this point, the game story is horrendous. Characters randomly sacrificing themselves only to return later, and this happens multiple times lmao. Tons of fetch quests, I will never forget that there was a primal threatening the world and they literally make you go fetch a cheese sandwich for an NPC… The gameplay is so boring, you are forced into your rotations for each job to be optimal and the rest of the battles is dodging mechanics. The mechanics are unforgiving, you mess up you will die. This leads to people being FORCED to watch literally 20m long videos where some nerd is explaining each of the mechanics and where to stand and what to use, its like some mathematical quiz that you need to study the video to get down. It's literally insane, you bash your head against the wall waiting for the other 7 idiots to memorize the strat and somehow everything hopefully aligns so you get a title and quit until the next patch (called "prog" apparently.)

    People literally convinced themselves to like this game I feel. Many of the players came from a MMO background that was completely opposite in terms of gameplay. They criticized WoW and anything like it only to settle on a game that literally copies WoW in a lot of aspects (even the DEV say they wanted to emulate WoW.) Personally, I feel you could do a whole case study on the rabid XIV players, I personally think they just do shit because the game looks pretty. You can't imagine how many people have bought up every single thing in the cash shop and do anything just for "glamour" Most of the videos I see are based solely on that, just appearances.

  14. Dude, thank you. The story is SO boring. The levelling experience is terrible, it's such a waste of time. You barely ever actually play the game and endgame is eaaasy. FFXIV players think Savage is hard because they spend 99% of the game reading text and fetching shit. Literally every other MMO has harder dungeons and raids, the entire challenge is memorising a set fight and a 50 button rotation, that's the whole endgame.

  15. all i took from this is that you are a wow simp and hating on ffxiv because youve never played it thoroughly
    from the future btw asmon is having more fun playing ffxiv than i have seen him with wow
    he so much happier in every video ive seen him in
    in wow vids all i saw was him making sarcastic jokes or getting mad
    now hes making sarcastic jokes and being happy and enjoying the wonderful story that is ffxiv
    wows storyline is like some 5 year old drew a bunch of pictures for their dad and he said yep thats a good story
    meanwhile ffxiv storyline is like 125 talented artists presented their art to the director of an artshow and he said thats art
    because thats what the game is…its art

  16. You made some good points but when trying to say your bad points you would continuously berate just to sprinkle some insults. Why? If your intention is to educate, don’t you think its better to just bring your point across without labelling the players you are against with derogatory and demeaning images?


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