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Edited by youMadsin
btw. as same age as u (42) i would react infront of Yoshi-P the same way
…. and greetings from Austria (Europe)
Please let Zero survive lmao
btw link is not working Arthars
when you meet yoshi p the next time can you ask him, if its possible once the savage raids are cleared, that he shows how the testing team cleared the fights? Would be interesting to see how they thought the mechs should be played
its kinda cool that our Chinese brothers have almost caught up in expacs
Omg don't give me hope here. The First already has a way less cutthroat and more likeable version of Rowena, don't add a Yotsuyu Version that actually grew up loved. Well ok, maybe do
Bro that mount for all the EW EX mounts is so bad, generic ass dragon model with the existing chair mount stuck to it, compared to the rest it’s easily the worst one they’ve made yet
These next ten years, we really gonna see the corporate side of the game shine lol (jk, /sweats). Excited for the rest of the Fanfests, and 7.0 but keeping my expectations low