PRE-PUBLISHING UPDATE (28 Sep 2024, 15:30 EST): The stack of Magitek Repair Materials I put up for sale in the video sold within *35 minutes* for a profit of 137,917 gil!
As stated in the video, here are my notes:
Magitek Repair Materials: An Actual and Straightforward Moneymaking Operation in FFXIV
Most videos I’ve seen on YouTube concerning making gil in FFXIV all seem to involve the same things:
“Spend 100,000 gil to buy ingredients for [current best raid food] and hope it sells in a reasonable amount of time for you to make maybe 5,000-7,000 gil for your efforts!”
“Gather [item] from [area you haven’t unlocked yet] and hope you don’t get undercut when you sell it!”
“Use [third-party app] to give you market board prices everywhere and buy [item/items] on another world on the cheap!”
“My tips only really apply to my data center, but you don’t need to know that, and I’ll lie by omission.”
While some of these are exaggerations, you get the idea.
What you see are quick (usually) but convoluted and difficult to setup methods where at the end, the thing they say “sells well” doesn’t (or even worse, the price collapses and you take a huge loss).
What item in Final Fantasy XIV is a). worth your time to set up, b). doesn’t involve excessive Market Board shenanigans, and c). doesn’t require you to finish the MSQ?
Magitek Repair Materials
Magitek Repair Materials are used for the repair of Free Company Airships and Submersibles. These are constantly needed by FC’s.
Constantly needed = Continuous demand on the Market Board.
Most FC’s won’t care about dropping 200,000+ gil on a full stack of these when they make 20,000,000 gil on an optimized run of their Airship or Sub.
With a little bit of time and some initial seed money at the outset, a single enterprising individual with the standard two retainers can clear 125,000+ gil profit from each 99 stack of Magitek Repair Materials.
• Retainer set as a Miner, leveled to unlock lvl 50 Mining ventures (the 50-minute ones); Leveling up a fresh Miner will be the biggest time and money investment (for gear) in setting up the operation
• Retainer gathering to ~700 (I have 696 with HQ Gyuki set, NQ Titanium Pickaxe, NQ High Steel Sledgehammer; Buy or make these yourself)
• Master Crafting Tome I for your crafter of choice (requires a HQ trade-in to Talan in Revenant’s Toll, Mor Dhona, (21.9,6.8))
• Ventures so your retainer can run the lvl 50 Mining venture for Dark Matter Clusters; You’ll get 9 every 50-minute run based on the above-mentioned gathering stat
• 59,400 gil for 5 stacks of 99 (495 total) Grade 6 Dark Matter at 120 gil each; These are bought from NPC venders in the major towns (DON’T BUY FROM MARKET BOARD, YOU’LL GET RIPPED OFF)
• 495 of each of the elemental crystals needed for your crafter job of choice; either gather them or buy a stack from the market board (if you have to buy these due to being short, this will cut into your profit margin)
Magitek Repair Materials Recipe (Under “Master Recipes” tab; “Master Recipes (1)”)
1 x Dark Matter Cluster
5 x Grade 6 Dark Matter
2×5 Elemental crystals (two types)
Get your stack of 99 Dark Matter Clusters and Quick Synthesis them all (only gives NQ)
For a normal sale (excluding our setup costs) our entire expense is solely the 59,400 gil we spent on the Grade 6 Dark Matters.
“Normal sale”
99@2000: 198,000
5% MB tax: (9,900)
Total: 188,100
Profit: +128,700
Not bad at all. I’ll also show a couple of “collapse” situations:
“Collapse sale”
99@1000: 99,000
5% MB tax: (4,950)
Total: 94,050
Profit: +34,650 (Still gives you a bit of profit)
“Extreme Collapse sale”
99@500: 49,500
5% MB tax: (2,475)
Total: 47,025
Loss: -12,375 (You would never sell this low, and if someone did, it would disappear from the Market Board almost immediately, since an FC would see this as a firesale bargain).
“Number’s” section in a nutshell: You can sell all the way down to 1000 gil each and still make money.
This would probably be the only true “side hustle” in FFXIV that actually makes you money. It’s not glamorous or gives you millions of gil at once, but it’s straightforward with a small operating cost after things get running.
Good luck!
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Dark matter clusters are always up so they can always be mined, use retainer for crystals (right now they are cheap so just buy em but they are 120 per retainer run), also you can use gc seals and wolf marks will help with the grade 6, or just buy em,
Also having the the materials on hand is good so you have something to do while waiting for queues etc…
Just a quick heads up, Gathering doesn't influence the yield of the Venture, Perception does. Gathering is a binary Yes/No check of do you have enough to collect the resource in question.
I use Retainers to make a majority of my day to day income, and I made this mistake, but Tri-melding them all over to Perception increased my yield from 10/10/20/20 to 15/15/30/30, which seems to be the cap.
Also, big wall of text below, but I hope it helps anyone out who might be struggling to make Gil. <3
For anyone who's looking for other ideas for how to make money, I thought I'd just list what I generally do. I'll preface the list by saying most of them will require you being Level 100, or having Crafting Geared, Retainers Geared, or systems like Island Sanc completed, but hopefully it inspires some people to explore new options if they're struggling hard for gil. o/
If I could suggest one to anyone, Materia Crafting is 10/10 for making money. The only barrier to entry is setting up retainers and leveling Alchemy.
Personally, the Methods I use for making money…
Submarines – Generates 400k a day, but has a massive time/cash investment upfront. The big benefit is this has zero Market board requirement, all the items you sell are just Vendor items, so its low friction income. Technically you can scale this infinitely, and it takes maybe 90 seconds a day to manage and generate that income. Every house you own is potentially another set of submarines you can send out, but its kind of scummy to buy out a whole district just to generate gil for yourself.
Materia Crafting – Best done at Max level, There's Recipes like "Rarefind Cunning Craftsmen Tisane" which can 100% be farmed through retainers so you just collect, and then craft the recipe, trade them in for scrips, trade the scrips for Materia. The XI materia is selling for 7k-15k given the day, and people buy in bulk for penta melding. On a given day, I can generate around 400k with this as well. I would suggest looking into mods and using Artisan for this if you're comfortable with it. I just let mine run while I go make dinner so I dont need to spend an hour of my time clicking the craft macro over and over, but to each their own. 🙂
Unreals – Need to be Max level, but its a 2 kills of a fairly easy boss each week, play a little minigame, earn tokens, trade tokens in for mounts/pets. On week 1 of a new unreal, the mounts sell at a premium of 50mil+, and will trend down to around 10m – 15m and stay around there. It takes weeks to get enough tokens for a mount, but its 100% for the time invested to reward, one of the best ways to make gil in the game.
Island Sanctuary – People sleep on it, but once its capped out, it takes about 5 minutes a week to manage, and generates about 200k-500k a week in dyes, or you can hoard resources because things like crafting/gathering materia even from prior Expansions will be in demand come a new set of crafting/gathering gear on a new patch release, or you can gamble for the mount that sells for a few million.
Gardening – You need to own a house, and the value scales the larger the plot you have (I use my FC's 3 plots, plus my personal houses plot, and 4 in door flower pots for onions) There's a site to show crossbreeding, but you can turn basic plants like Mirror apples and Sun Lemons into things like Thavnerian onions worth 100k each over time. Its slow, but super easy gil over time.
My basic layout
(Mirror Apple[Hidden near Camp Dragonehead – 5 days to Grow] + Xelphatol Apple[Allied Seals – 2 days to Grow] = Curiel Root (Sells for 40,000)
Sun Lemon[Basically Free, Trash seed – 5 days to Grow]+Old World Fig[Timed Node -5 days to Grow] = Royal Kururu(Sells for 45,000)
Curiel Root[5 days to grow]+Royal Kururu[6 days to grow] = Thavnerian Onion(Sells for 100,000-115,000)[takes 11 days to grow]
Fates – Bicolor gems are extremely valuable, don't sleep on them. at level 100 unlock the Shared Fate vendors, and you can buy Bicolor gem vouchers, you need 500 of them for a mount, and each of them is worth 115k-130k for 100 bicolor gems. There's Fate bosses that spawn, probably like 10-15 of them a day, which drop 80-100 gems per kill, and take anywhere from 5-15 minutes. The Dawntrail bosses each give 100 gems, so each one is basically worth 115k-130k per kill. You could make a million a day just farming these, There's discords like "Faloop! XIV The Hunt" which will ping you whenever one of these spawns, join a PF group, go kill it, get your gems, ez money.
Wonderous Tales – This is pure Gamba, but Silver Tickets can be traded in for Crafting/Gathering Materia which on Patch day can be worth 30k+ Gil each, and the golden tickets can be traded for the Chest Armor on patch day of a new raid which will sell for 5m-20m. Super small market, only a few sell, but potentially massive profit for a really passive system like wonderous tales (Plus it gives you extremely good XP and currency rewards, so you should be doing it anyways. : ) )
Hunt Trains – Adding this as an honorable mention. They're not the best for making money, but they are 100% the best for Saving you time and money. If you're looking to Raid, do 1-2 hunt trains a week, you'll pool enough tokens & Nutts to Penta meld your gear each tier for literally nothing, And this is a biproduct while doing the most efficient game system for capping your Weekly tomes, while also generating free Poetics and Aesthetics. If you're trying to make money, I guess you could sell the Materia you generate from a train, ontop of the Aesthetics, and I'd assume each train would likely net you around 300k still, but if you're looking to Penta meld, it'll cost you in the future when a new tier rolls around.
Some Alternatives I don't currently use, but I know they've been profitable for me in the past.
Party Finder Mercenary work – If you're geared and capable to do content, people are always willing to pay out Millions for you to help them clear and get them a mount, or a clear of difficult content.
Deep Dungeons – You can get Mounts, Glams, Hair styles, Etc from the hidden items in Deep dungeons. If its content you enjoy, I've made a lot of money running something like Erueka Orthos, even the early floors can generate a good profit with a bit of luck.
Treasure maps. – Level your Warrior, you can 100% Solo Treasure maps, its not hard at all, and you keep all of the rewards meant for 8 players to yourself. I'd suggest doing the Left/Right Door style maps, as they're a lot faster then the Roulette ones since soloing a boss takes way longer then Cleaving a pack of trash mobs down. Kind of goes without saying Treasure maps are massively profitable. There's a lot of items from them that sell for Millions, and if they drop, its all yours. If you don't want to solo them, You can Harvest a Treasure map each day for an easy 15k – 20k profit for 20 seconds of your time if you have a gatherer leveled.
Server hopping Resales. – This has infinite potential. Track prices between servers, I know for Crystal, Brynhildir/Malboro/Goblin tends to have items selling cheaper then other servers. Sneaking over to grab some items that have a high volume of trades when their low and reposting them on your server can generate easy profit.
Free Company Workshop Crafting – You can build house designs and Airship/Submarine parts in a Free Company workshops. The crafts are a lot of mats, but generally sell for 1.5 mil each. Tracking prices, you can easily turn a massive profit by gathering the more expensive items yourself and using the MB for a lot of the grunt work, then just keeping 1-2 of these items up at a time to flip into income. I used to do it with the Shirogane Small House designs as that's a really popular housing style (The Japanese styled one with the hotspring on the side.)
Crafting Job Items – This ones a bit shady, but a lot of people need to get their Crafting Job Quests done, and the items required for those quests are always sold at a premium. If you're a low level and looking for a sneaky chunk of money, you can profit off people too lazy to craft the items themselves.
Super solid advice, simple to make, super high volume of sales, generally pretty price stable. Definitely recommend what Cluelessdye said about grabbing grade 6's with GC seals. Once you're a decently high level each piece of gear you turn in nets you roughly 1.5-2k seals, more if you use the boost from squadrons. Can convert a couple runs of basically anything into a ton of grade 6s. A+ video, keep up the good work 😀
When im not running subs, this is what i do, good passive income
You can farm wolf marks and spend those wolf marks on the grade 6 dark matter. There's no reason to spend gil on grade 6. You can also purchase grade 8 dark matter with them, so you can repair your own gear for free. I haven't had to spend any gil on repairs for years. I'm currently sitting at 12k grade 8 dark matter. Your daily frontlines roulette is enough to get you one free repair lol
you want your retainers to be at least level 70 for dark matter as the time for a venture thats at least 20 level difference to your retainer is reduced down to 40 minutes and you need just about 336 perception to yield 9, which is fairly easy to get with gear
So you're the reason the price on these have dropped by 200-300 in the last few days lol.
as someone running 68 fcs which means 272 submarines. I thank you. Also really like your no bullshit cut the chase style. More people farming clusters will eventually make the market more competitive and reducing the price.
You want cheaper repair kits, huh?
People slowly undercutting each other to get them cheaper, the power of Youtube. 😂
They sell fast and high because every 2 or 3 send of your 4 submarines you got to repair them(basically every week).
They have 4 slots, and one slot require 6 to 9 repair kit.
You can have 4 submarines, so 16 slots to repair
6*16 = 96
Each week you need a full stack or repair kit.
Since you can have a second FC house if you want it(with another character with his own FC), you can multiply the number by 2.
And considering that some craft material and other item can be drop only by the submarines, the repair kit are VITAL for a FC .
Hence why they sell so fast.
So yeah, it's THE craft to sell.
Also, here's a free advice for even more passive income:
If you chose the right path with your submarine, they'll drop some items you can't sell on the Market board, only NPC. BUT
They sell for a price between 3000 to 45000 gils , and are generally dropped by 4 to 16 units. (I let you do the maths)
Nice option. I genuinely tell new crafters to just go through their log, look at what is a market deficit and just sell it. I honestly can make a mil a day or more with 30 minutes of effort. The other way I make money is just selling stuff for Ishgard Restoration as I work towards my Petrodon mount.
Yoshi P should add mugging
So basically: forgo working towards the big profits (submersibles on your own FC) in favor of making a small profit off of the people making the big bucks. Not a bad stratetgy when running your own FC just for submersibles is completely out of the picture or just seems like way too much of a grind to get started.
Wise choice. I own hundreds of FC’s and buy these in bulks 😂 I make billions a year so i dont really like to spend time making them since is so cheap to buy them