They’re quite cool. Get ready too see these spammed in your RP. Skipped emotes that look identical on every race. Raw gameplay. The missing standing and sitting on chair poses:
Development Footage. Subject to Final Adjustment/Changes.
TYSM for this video!!
Thanks for showing the /sit! It looks lovely. In fact all the emotes look lovely! Thank you! ^3^/
Yay, the only emote video that actually shows the /sit emote! Thank you!
Praise to be the one who remembered to /sit!
no standing poses!!!
I wanna see the standing poses too. 🙁
The missing standing and chair poses can be found here:
Thank you so much for these!
finally one who shows the /sit
I want to pet bunny
Can you make a video showing their /doze poses in bed? You know, /doze next to a bed in specific places makes you lay down on it…
Move the FUCK over Summoner Rework nobody cares about you, here's the REAL Endwalker content I'm here for