All Night Scenes – Returning Home – FFXIV Endwalker (Spoilers)

All visitor options from the quest Returning Home in Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker

Alphinaud: (0:00)
Alisaie: (2:20)
Thancreed: (4:42)
Y’shtola: (7:14)
G’raha Tia: (9:47)
Estinien: (12:55)


40 thoughts on “All Night Scenes – Returning Home – FFXIV Endwalker (Spoilers)”

  1. Always made the most sense to me to pick Estinien because he's generally cold and distant, so any opportunity to talk to him just makes more sense from a dialogue perspective. I main Dark Knight as well, so a lot of the scenes in the game just flow well when you have two "silent" characters like a Dragoon and Dark Knight, while harkening back to FF4 as well. Anytime you get some emotion out of characters like Estinien just feels better, where nearly everybody else on the cast is constantly expressing themselves to you.

    Shadowbringers main theme is probably my favorite in the game, but a lot of the remixes aren't as good, so picking Estinien is almost always accompanied by Dragonsong, and every composition of Dragonsong is good.

  2. G'raha and Alisaie doing their jobs of making me vulnerable and emotional. Personally, these two characters have aided me attempting to develop a more positive inner voice, one more accepting of the self. I had to do a coin toss on whether or not I'd do Alisaie or G'raha first, and then watch the other one(s) in the inn afterwards. It landed on G'raha, and I'm far from complaining. It gave me another more introspective and matured look at the Exarch he once was, while still retaining the awkward, but genuine self as he has become now. It was very welcome, and his optimism and appreciation of life is always so heartfelt.
    (And the devs just couldn't help but reuse the arm-rubbing animation of the Exarch at lvl 77, could they? 😉 )

    Surprsingly, the Estinien and Y'shtola ones were also quite lovely! I really liked all of the musical cues they had playing for each of the Scions. (Although I'm not sure what the ones for the Twins were.)

    Edit: GAH WHY DO I TORTURE MYSELF. I watched Alisaie's again, and I just-
    "It wasn't a promise just for him. It was a promise for you, too." I am BLUBBERING.

  3. Alphi didn't visit because he wanted to ask for a favour or offer help.
    He visited because he realised he did wrong by you.
    While the others are begging you to place your trust in them, Alphi already has that trust and he knows it. He is thankful for our trust in him and he knows that he mustn't take this trust for granted. And in return, Alphi trusts you. He trusts that – whatever you do – you will make the right decision. There is no need to ask you not to be reckless with your life, to seek help, to accept help or to keep your friends in line. This mutual (and EARNED) trust between the WoL and Alphi is one of the many reasons why he is my favourite character.

  4. You know despite all of these scenes I think it’s not a mistake that g’raha and alisaie’s are the most thematically potent. G’raha’s is a wonderful callback to both you time on the first and in arr and serves not only to prove how far you’ve come in regards to the dangers of the trials you face but also to remind you that though it may feel as if you are just a weapon for people to wield in the face of hardship, there are those that genuinely care for you as a person. A theme which is obviously played upon a lot amongst the scions but it strikes particularly hard with g’raha considering he was in a position of power to do so and didn’t anyways.

    As for her alisaie, hers serves as a confirmation that you are not invincible. I personally already knew that after the whole duty with fighting as teh imperial solider bc I seriously thought the wol was gonna die and we would continue the story in the life stream, but I’m not sure how that scene affected everyone else. In any case the wol is most certainly not invincible to emotions and wanting to do dangerous things, this all of us know but it feels so good to see another scion know it too. That she was just as scared as we are. Their is a certain type of camaraderie in seeing someone else feels the same way as you and alisae’s character captures it spectacularly. (Think back to when teh scions we’re being called and she was reasonably freaking the fuck out as most of us were also doing, in an odd way it felt good to have our emotions represented in an actual character)

    I say it is no mistake that these two scenes are so potent and I think it’s because these two are the closest canonically to the wol. Their the ones that will biker over what you want, the ones who immediately knew something was wrong when zenos was in your body and the ones to run over first when they saw who they thought was you coming back after disappearing.

    These scenes hit the hardest because these characters understand you the most.

    Sorry this is so long I just had some brain worms I needed to get out. It may also be too reliant on my own feelings regarding the game but I still wanted to say it anyways.

  5. I chose Alisaie at the time. As much as I enjoyed the choice, looking at all of them I think I would’ve chosen Thancred or Estinien instead for the emotional impact we go through during the final zone.

  6. Loved G’raha’s and it was my first choice! His words hit deep- not just in context for the story- but as a person battling depression and anxiety- how BADLY I wish someone did this. In a moment all bravado and lofty titles are stripped away in the wake of his words and you’re just a person again with vulnerabilities and weaknesses that he’s willing to help your shoulder that, so you can face the next day- no longer alone in your feelings. With the promise of sharing more happy memories with him as well. He’s willing to stand by your side through the good and the bad. However which way you read it (platonic or romantic) everyone needs someone like this in their lives. Someone who never forgets that you’re just a human being.


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