Running through every mount added during the Endwalker expansion and how to get them. Things to do Before DawnTrail!
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Defo like a bunch of mounts from EW, but have to admit there's no mount that I truly love like some older mounts!
Not sure if you have already done them in the past, but I would love to see retro versions of these for the other expansions.
Great comprehensive video, just a slight correction. The PvP mounts were gained from completing the PvP series "battlepass" and not directly linked to crystalline conflict, although you could earn XP from CC if you wished. Technically daily frontlines rewards were more time efficient though. We can expect them to do this again in the future, and I'm hoping they follow up on their word and offer the older mounts again sometime.
The Bahamut mount is so disappointing as the trial mount. It doesn't remotely match up thematically….
Still don't get why Island sanctuary has like 7 reskins of the same mount
Idk it will take something very good, rare, and with hours of hard work to get me off my aeturna mount.
It makes no sense to me why Arion has 6 legs and Sleipnir does not.
Man, mounts in this game are something else
sad I missed that 20th anniversary mount
Best mount is still grand company chocobo. Especially now that we finally have basic barding from the Tataru sidequest which allows us to complete the murder hobo aesthetic.
great video idea 👍
Now that i know from where each mount is, i might even appreciate it a bit more if i see someone riding them 😛
great video! would love one for minions as well :O more of a minion collector myself
cant wait for Torgal 🥰 i'm really lazy with collecting mounts, but this one i def. want.
cash shop mounts are such a tragedy
You know, this game has some great mounts but my go-to mount that I use daily is the FFVII bike. There is just something about it, the size, the way it moves…everything is just subjectively perfect in my opinion. 🙂