Hello Albsterz here, today we are reacting to Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Job Actions. This will be aweosme to give me a inside to what is to come.
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#Albsterz #Finalfantasyxiv #shadowbringers
Iâve been mailing a BLM aka Black Mage since the start of ARR. itâs one hell of a DPS job!
My main 3 atm are AST, DRK and DNC. I LOVE DRK, the story is amazing, and the job is very forgiving, but also a very strong tank imo. I love healing them as they are pretty self sustainable for the most part.
AST is GORGEOUS, and a fun healer to play. I quite love mine.
DNC is a ranged dps class, which you probably already know, I think its actually up there now with BLM and NIN for DPS.
BLM/SUM/Caster DPS main. Dancer & RDM is super fun and easy to learn. Ninja is super fun and very useful…u just need to do simple memorization
All of those locations are real in shadowbringers đ
Astrologian=Argonologist XD never change
Dancer main here. Dancer is a support class. Youchoose a dance partner and buff them and do more damage based on how much they do and what moves they do. You have minor healing, mitigation, and party buffs. Its hard to go back once you go ranged. If you want to buff your party and dps and are interested on bard…you will like it đ machinist is also a BLAST
just for your info, the classes you can chose from right now is the only ones that have a class that changes to a job, it all jobs starting at heavenward. Darknight,AST,and Mch, you to have a level 50 char before you can unlock along with getting to heavenward RDM and SAM just need level 50( they put then in earlier cities so you do not have to wait til the expansion to get), and just need level 60 to unlock DNC and GNB.
Dark Knight good.
I main white mage itâs my all time favorite healer đ . I also love bard and dancer both of those jobs are really mobile and fun to play đ
That shadowbringers music doooooe xxx
You should try to complete the dragoon story before getting to hevensward it acts as a prlogue of sorts and a introduction to one of the main characters of hevensward
if you ever get a chance, definitely check out the level 3 limit breaks video that FFXIV put out. because they are very eye popping! because some of them are extremely rare to see ingame cough tank Limit breaks*cough*
I do wish you could watch all the trailers but i know you dont wanna be spoiled xx
We play as black mage because EXPLOSIOOOOOOON!
Bard is fun to play if you enjoy being able to kite enemies.
I main samurai after playing bard for forever. I love the flexibility of the combos. I will say, if any of the job gauges are too much for you, they all have simple versions you can toggle to in the HUD settings.
I highly recommend Dragoon after you finish the first ARR campaign for the sake of the story, as it sort of acts like a prequel to HW and an introduction to one of the most integral part of Ishgardian history and society, the Azure Dragoon.
You can pick up new expansion classes but wont need to level them up from level1, each starts with a certain level. Heavensward- machinist/dark knight/astrologist (level 30), Stormblood- red mage/samurai, Shadowbringers- dancer/gunbraker, 17 classes in total.
THE fastest way to do it is PALACE OF THE DEAD
Love your ffxiv content!
I main Bard but also have a max level Monk and Dancer. Love all of them. Was messing around with Samurai a bit and liked it but never got around to getting it to max level. Most recently I was thinking of leveling Gunbreaker but I am terrified to tank lol.
Yes the fairy can pretty much handle you healing until about level 35 ish dungeons. Then you need to do progressively more as the fairy healing just isnât enough to keep your tank alive.
Machinist is very fun, it's probably one of my favorite DPS classes right next to Red Mage. For tanks, it's easily Paladin, because Paladin has the most abilities that actually make you FEEL like the tank, the guy who puts himself in harm's way to protect everybody else. Other tanks have high defense and lots of dps abilities, but Paladin is unsurpassed at protecting your teammates. And then, healer… well. I usually play White Mage, but I get how people view it as boring, even though it has the best raw healing. Astrologian, though, is more difficult to play but far more versatile. Also, the reason why you've never seen a mech, is because that ability is Level 80. You won't see one until you get into a Level 80 instance, or if you see some random Lv80 whip one out in the open world, problem is, they'd one-shot everything so they wouldn't get time to call the automaton queen out. Until 80, they instead get the Rook Autoturret, which is this little helicopter-like thing with a small gun on it.
In terms of job story quests the best one in my opinion is the Dark Knight, followed by Dragoon and then Samurai. My main job is Dragoon, previously Paladin. I like the following jobs: DRG, PLD, DRK, SAM, NIN, GNB, BLM, WHM and RDM. I don't hate any jobs.
they do a great job to let all classes look cool and amazing on their own…
"Black mage is kinda a DPS and a healer, right?"
laughs in pure DPS
Reason you haven't seen these abilities is they are the high level abilities. Like the machinist robot is what your rook turret turns into at around level 80, the automata queen. As you level you gain more and more abilities until you have your full kit. A job plays differently at the cap than what it would while leveling. Once you have the full kit all the jobs are much faster and more fun than they are at lower levels.
Aside from the heavensward jobs, all the others come out at 20 levels below the cap for their respective expansions. Also not sure you know but they have been moving away from the classes at the start of the game unlocking others. The jobs outside of the base game have no requirements aside from being the appropriate level in any other job. Red mage and samurai are 50 in uldah, and gunbreaker and dancer at 60 in gridania, and limsa respectively.
iâm a dark knight main and Y E S. play drk. itâs such a fun tank class with an incredible storyline.
also a little tip that can help keep roles straight: if the jobâs icon is green: healer, if itâs red: dps and blue: tank. so dancer has a red job icon, so itâs a dps, it just had a ton of buffs for the party and their partner, so SE gave the dancer in the video a partner to use skills on
Just a little side note for anyone who's not familiar with the game, but the class roles (tank, heal, dps) are all color coded. When it introduces the new class and shows the fancy art for them, you can see the job icon next to the art. If the icon has a red background it's a dps job, if it's green it's a healer, and if it's blue it's a tank. There can be a little bit of spillover (redmage and paladin can be decent emergency healers in a pinch) but each role is specialized to do what you'd expect, with the exception that tanks/healers are actually capable (and expected to do) meaningful damage while also doing their primary role. Tanks can do decent damage in addition to just holding aggro/not dying, healers are capable of doing decent damage in between throwing out heals, while dps classes do the most damage (obviously).
I would tell you to also look at the Limit Brake compulation. But i can't tell you what to do, i can mearly hevely suggest it đ
Albsterz: "Oh yeah, how many hours have you put into the game? Four thousand hours cuz you know what, I had to try all the different classes."
Me, looking at my 6006 hours played with all jobs at level 80: "Am I being judged?"
I would 100% recommend the Limit Break video but 1) it shows off a lot of bosses you either won't have encountered yet or won't encounter for a while and 2) spoilers may end up in the recommended section and that's not good
I've capped all the classes and I'm a SMN main, have been since I started my character. I love the SMN rotation and theming. So glad to see you enjoying it as well.
The class balance in XIV is extremely good. All classes are valid and used in end-game content. I play casters a lot but also dabble over in Samurai or Bard to change things up. A note on roles, since you asked some questions in the video:
Tanks: Paladin, Warrior, Dark Knight and Gunbreaker
Healers: White Mage, Scholar, and Astrologian. We will be getting the new Sage healer job in Endwalker.
All other roles are DPS and vary between selfish damage focus DPS and more support-style DPS. We will be getting a new melee DPS job in Endwalker as well but we do not know what it will be until Fanfest.
Hope that helps with some of your questions! And hope you continue to enjoy your time in Eorzea!
Black mage : healer lol nooooooooo dude itâs a dps dancer is also a dps. If you go to the job and class levels tab of the character menu you can see all your jobs levels and what role they are in Whoever told you it wasnât spoilers for this trailer was kidding themselves because now the areas are no longer a surprise for when you get there in 500+ main story quests down the line itâs a bad idea to watch any trailer they make because they always spoil something or another so itâs usually best to wait until you get to an expansion to watch itâs opening movie for example because you will get spoiled for sure the same goes for patch content trailers, and other miscellaneous trailers revealed at fanfests showing new content even the older ones if you arenât to that content yet are spoiler as heck
back in the day of SHB first time reveal PLD GAP CLOSER
Everyone in community goes insane
I love how tickled you are about everything! XD
I had fun with all jobs! So I leveled all of them.
Bard life is a good life. Nobody expects anything from you other than you pulling out an instrument and playing a song in the major cities (yes they get instruments to ACTUALLY PLAY INGAME). Its the most forgiving ranged buffer class and it literally is the derpest job ever.
My favorite healer: black mage
Yes you will be able to see all those locations in Shadowbringers they show off in the video! It's quite an amazing world.
My main is Red Mage cuz well… It's my besties class in the Scions. You'll see…
This was just pure joy
Make sure to not cut your reactions, because the cutting are a bit too abrupt. We love to see each seconds of it! Welcome to FFXIV, new warrior of light!
Summoner supremacy
and the ninja is the only class wite naruto run its so good xD
I have one for each category: healer: Astro, Tank: Darknight, melee DPS: Ninja, Range Damage: Redmage
Dancer is a support dps it does have a small heal though.
Why skip some of the video? Why not showcase all of the abilities?
His happiness is bloody infectious i love it, that is how you react to videos, not just dumbly stare at them unblinkingly, engage them, good job mate.
Currently a Dancer main, but I'm excited for Reaper and Sage! I also play Gunbreaker, Summoner, and Scholar, and am working on a Red Mage and a Samurai.