Aether in Final Fantasy XIV (Lore and Theory Crafting)



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13 thoughts on “Aether in Final Fantasy XIV (Lore and Theory Crafting)”

  1. You could have said: Its the same bs the Greek philosophies (except Materialism, Physicallism) believed. I have debated people that unironically believe in the Aether to this day or that think Mind is a substance instead of a process in the brain, the brain communicating with itself & the nervous system.

    But schizos are all over the internet so I aint surprised.

  2. The "pantheon" of this world and how its connected to the races of man is so damn *cool*. "Holistic religion" and "group belief" – great break down! I've been playing this game since 2015, and I've taken a number of breaks over the years for various reasons, but I always come back for the world and its lore. Simply put, it's the best I've experienced in an MMO and I can't get enough of it. It's awesome to see it featured on your channel. Looking forward to what's to come (ALL of it)!!

  3. Heyo Grimdark!
    Another awesome video, as usual~

    FF16 deals with this question actually and has a very interesting conclusion about it.

    Keep up the great work! The more of the story you go through, the more everything does connect together. It is quite fun seeing the early theories.

  4. Hey hey grim, glad you're well and happy to see you delving into the lore of one of my favourite games 🙂 Here's some spoiler-free additions to some of what you say in the video

    1:30 So, perhaps you were using the word "monster" in a meta sense to simply refer to the various mobs in the game, but speaking from an in-universe perspective the various types of "kin" don't just describe the monsters of the world, they're part of a fictional in-universe taxonomy for all life (note that what the people of Eorzea call a monster versus an animal is distinguished much like in the real world – something being overly aggressive or dangerous is enough to be called a "monster" even if its a perfectly ordinary animal in the context of the world it inhabits). For the curious, here's a breakdown of the taxonomy system invented by the scholars of Sharlayan:
    1. There are three Kingdoms (as in our Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, etc): Bloodborn, which refers to life through which some form of lifeblood flows – what we might call beings of flesh and blood or standard organic life; Bloodless, which refers to living beings with no form of lifeblood – what we might call "inorganic life"; and Transcendent, which refers to beings that exist on the edge of the physical and aetherial realms
    2. The Bloodborn Kingdom is divided into a number of mostly self-explanatory classes: Beastkin (roughly equivalent to land mammals), Scalekin (reptilians), Cloudkin (birds and flying creatures), Wavekin (water-dwelling animals), Vilekin (insects), Seedkin (ambulatory plants and "plantoid animals" such as morbols), and two unique classes: Dragons, and the Spoken. Dragons come in an astonishing variety of shapes and sizes, and don't fit neatly into the Scalekin because.. well first not all dragons are reptilian, and second, they are extremely unique beings that require a unique classification (further details involve spoilers). The Spoken are what we may, in a flawed anthropocentric manner, call "intelligent life", and are defined by any species which has developed or learned a complex spoken language which is intelligible and comprehensible by others – basically if you have a recognizable language you can use to communicate, regardless of how difficult it may be for others to actually learn it, you're a Spoken. This includes the playable races of the game as well as the numerous tribal peoples and more.
    3. The Bloodless Kingdom is divided into only 3 classes: the Ashkin, which refers to all undead beings (zombies, skeletons, ghosts, etc); The Soulkin, which refers specifically to *animated*, soulful beings, such as living dolls, animated armours, or mammets (clockwork automata possessed of a rudimentary soul, relatively common across Eorzea); and the Forgekin, which while similar to the Soulkin in that it describes "artificial" or "constructed" life, refers specifically to that which is not animated by aether and is not possessed of a soul – automata possessed of an entirely artifical will (essentially AI or independent machinery or constructs)
    4. The Transcendent Kingdom is composed of various esoteric classes: perhaps chief amongst them, the Elementals class refers to beings of pure aether, manifestations of the concentrated energies of the world, from sprites, to carbuncles, to the mysterious elementals of the Shroud (which are, presumably, the souls of the very trees themselves, born from the accumulation of aether over untold ages); the Voidsent, which are demon-like beings suffused with darkness, or umbral-aspected aether, native to an alternate dimension known as the Void or the World of Darkness, and summoned to Hydaelyn through ritual magic that channels their essense across the rift, or by slipping in through rare openings or "voidgates"; Primals are also a distinct class, aetherial constructs that, while possessed of an own will influenced by that of their creator, are notably unstable and not self-sustaining, requiring the consumption of vast amounts of ambient aether to maintain their form; and finally, the Auspices mentioned later in the video are also classed under the Transcendent Kingdom, as their physical bodies are largely superfluous and represent a repository for the aether that makes up their essence
    5. There are also "Uncategorized" classes, namely the various forms of Chimera. Other classes in this group entail major spoilers to even name.

    7:20 Indeed! This has in fact happened before. The Sixth Umbral Calamity, also known as the Great Flood, was precipitated by the War of the Magi and its effect on the ambient aether. This was a prolongued series of escalating conflicts lasting from roughly 3000 to 1500 years in the past, between the city of Mhach and the territories in its sphere of influence, wielding Black Magic, and the city of Amdapor and its client states, wielding White Magic in turn. Black Magic made use of vast amounts of Fire, Thunder and Ice aether from the environment, while White Magic drained the Earth and Air aether form the land. This led to a dangerous overabundance of Water aether, culminating in a Great Flood which wiped Mach, Amdapor, and Skalla, and the remnants of then-defunct Nym, and led to the arts of Black and White Magics being forbidden, neutered into the disciplines of Thaumaturgy and Conjuring practiced today in Ul'dah and Gridania. As mentioned in the video, the practitioners of Red Magic make a vow to only use their internal stores of aether – this is because the Order of Red Mages was in fact founded by surviving Black and White Mages who, after the flood, in regret of their hubris and the destruction it caused, combined their knowledge to create the art and Order of Red Magic, that they may wield great power in service of those in need whilst maintaining the safety of the aetherial balance of the world. Thaumaturgy as well works to maximize the output of one's internal aether without ever tapping into the environment, whilst Conjuring does tap into the environment but in a restrained, respectful, almost contractual manner – picture the how the Jedi tap into the Force as an ally to be cooperated with, compared to the Sith using it as a font of power to be drained at their whim.

    7:40 Indeed once more! The thaumaturge questline actually deals directly with a man of rather limited internal reserves struggling to become a great thaumaturge like his family, and its stated that he frequently drives his body to the brink and even near-death in his exertion.

    Really interesting thought on the religions of Eorzea. The Alliance Raids in Endwalker actually reveal a lot of information about the Twelve and the history of their worship, so I will be very interested to hear your thoughts if and when you reach that point 🙂


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