Here’s an update video about why I haven’t been posting as often lately. I’ve been feeling burned out from Final Fantasy XIV so I took Yoshi P’s advice and took a break from the game. (Yes, I QUIT FFXIV for 3 whole weeks!)
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u should play it
its good
(also get the iceborn dlc)
I had to take a XIV break for about a month recently, too. Not because of burnout or anything like that, I still have far too much I want to do. But Tears of the Kingdom came out. 😀
No, I WILL NOT stop playing… I have a MEDIUM HOUSE… I have been levelling even the crafters to 90 and smashing my face on the keyboard to farm materia to pentameld… I even do Savage now…
Time to be a Mithra
I love how you can take breaks. I usually devour story content, and then do side quests as I feel like it. Sometimes I become inspired to do beast tribe quests or level up a job, but sometimes I just don’t play for weeks or months if I don’t feel like it, and I’ll just get on for seasonal events. Most of the time I just enjoy playing with friends, and if I only hop on when my friends are on, I don’t feel like I am lagging behind thanks to not having played in a while. My progress is still always there and as long as I keep up with patches (Which I usually want to do as soon as they come out anyways) I’m good to go.
Idk if you're hinting you got married irl, but if you did CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
TotK has taken over my life lately… So I don't have these problems!
I recently hit all jobs to 90 just over a year of playtime and I've been recently just taking a big burnout break
I took a break for FF16. It was needed and I felt I didn't miss anything crucial.
I am on FFXIV break, but still watching your videos, AvyCatte!
I feel anyone can do whatever they want. If you want to take a. break, take a break. When you come back, your mind can refresh and rejuvenated.
I would happy to see other content of other games you are playing and thoughts about them. If you play other Final Fantasy games. It would be fun to hear your perspective on it. Who knows, it might be fun to turn your channel into a podcast and interview our thoughts of the game esp. from your subscribers to your channel. It is just a thought, but thank you for your videos.
you could try baldurs gate 3 thats what i been playing while taking a break from final fantasy 14 really fun
Breaks are good <3
I quit also because of the trash male characters they keep shoving in this FF franchise! Done with this shit!
When i get tired/bored i just play another games too…to be honest, i don't think we will have a perfect MMORPG to live all the time like in the past. Such thing happened because: 1) Online gaming was novelty; 2) Complex systems made you stay online most of the time – difficult in leveling, necessity of group interaction, etc; However… i would like to say that back in my days, we would spend hours or days playing the same thing in a random bar while we try to be the top score of our neighborhood. Exactly the same game with the same mechanics, always pursuing bigger numbers.
So… i don't know if we are feeling this way just because our industry moved on or there is something else. Every online game is facing the same dilemma.
Please show us any games that are good for feeling pretty! I love FFXIV fashion and would love to expand my virtual wardrobe.
I’ve been just casually raid logging but I’m playing other games and just waiting for 7.0 expansion to play the new story but not doing extremes or ultimates.
Just low on my priority and I’ll come back soon for expansion. But keeping sub active.
i donnu but I belled you to check out anything you wanna try
as long as ur having fun, we'll also have fun watching u <3
I think this is normal and fine I take extended breaks on and off all the time. Some longer than others. Especially if I don’t have a particular personal goal with the game at the time (Barring new patch releases or expansions). Or just plain boredom from complacency.
I feel like if I never took breaks my relationship with the game would slowly turn into bitterness. Plus I’d never be able to work on my eternal backlog of other games as well.
Great video Avy and I appreciate the transparency plus using your own experience as a PSA to other WoLs who may be really feeling it and need someone to tell them it’s okay to spend some time away from the game since FFXIV ain’t going nowhere.
Social interactions, grass, oh dear god!!!!!!!! O.O
I wish Destiny 2 was like FFXIV. Season wise I mean. Like I’m lost in the story.
When your subscription is inactive, do your retainers still sell the items that were for sale when you had a subscription on the market board?
You either die a heroic content creator, or live long enough to see yourself become a reactionary creator
Just came back from taking 5 months off in the middle of Stormblood. I was burnt out and found Stormblood so boring but when I came back everything just clicked like how when I first picked up the game.
MMO subs make me feel like I need to get my moneys worth but FFXIV is so full of content that taking your time and pacing yourself feels so much more refreshing.
My burnout was back during Stormblood, I was logging in for several hours every single day and just doing… nothing. Eventually I decided I needed to take a break from the game so I got a friend to make an alt and join my solo FC in order to keep my house from getting bulldozed. I let my subscription end and forbade myself from signing back up, I was gone for about 8 months and only rejoined a month before Shadowbringers released and since then I've been an extremely casual player. I only log in when I've got something specific in mind that I want to do and once I'm done with that if I don't feel like doing anything else then I just log out and play something else.
Not forcing on me to logging into the game everyday is major reason why I'm still playing FFXIV and not some other game.
With time you more and more value games that value your time just as much.