A Saucy Summoner Guide (FFXIV: Endwalker)

The job that probably didn’t need an explanation.

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0:00 – Useless Intro
1:20 – Opener
2:06 – Filler explained
3:20 – Orange Bahamut
3:45 – Filler Again
3:50 – Finishing the Rain Cycle
3:58 – Utility
4:40 – AOE exists
5:01 – Extreme Nerd Stuff
5:25 – Conclusion
5:47 – True Ending


40 thoughts on “A Saucy Summoner Guide (FFXIV: Endwalker)”

  1. some mild nerd shit: if, for some reason, you're running the spell speed version of the build, because you really just want to play black mage, you almost never need to cast ruin 3 outside of the first cast in a fight.

  2. Ah summoner, the job whose rotation and kit has been so gutted you can literally map its entire rotation into a macro and press one button the entire fight

  3. The intro taking up nearly a 5th of the video is in this case, incredibly proper. Seriously, there's so little to talk about with summoner…but if it feels good, it feels good (even if I do think they could have kept the dots in the new version).

  4. Im giving up SMN and just gonna play NIN, MCH, and DNC.

    I'm sick of slowing down in a fight and standing still with Ifrit. I want a pet class but since they shafted me with new SMN I might as well give up on mages.

  5. i absolutely love summoner tbh sense i started the free trial like 12 days ago( don’t remember) and probably most fun jobs to me
    Probably cuz it doesn’t require me to think to much to play it
    And can’t wait to unlock more of it when i do get the full game Down the line

  6. I do still miss my old summoner, but I've learned to live with the new easier job. Still gonna hardcast slipstream every single time because you know as soon as I try to get fancy, we are gonna lose all the healers.

  7. Ah yes. Smn. A "Job" by certain definitions. I'm not gonna leave my salt all over this video but I will say, I do enjoy blinding everyone who was bold enough to leave effects on. Luckily I do not do that anymore because I no longer play Smn. Thank you Yoshi-P. You have cured me of my desire to summon titans fat ass and Bahamuts massive wings to obscure all mechanics and wipe the raid. Blessed.

  8. He isnt wrong SMN is so braindead easy dps as a caster that its honestly crazy but it is atleast on the funniest side of the spectrum from BLM and RDM is the middle ground

  9. Honestly despite how flashy and cooler summoner is the more I play it the more I tire of it. It’s just, so boring right now.
    The only depth you have to the job is trying to get Slipstream under raid buffs and wether it’s best to throw Bahamut out early or under raid buffs. I’ve honestly kind of grown to miss Shb summoner outside of the pet jank which did get fixed with Bahamut and Phoenix passively auto attacking.


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