A Crap Guide to Final Fantasy XIV – Tanks | SpookyRobinson Reacts to JoCat

Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8oVV_I-tIA

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Reacting to JoCats tank guide video! its a crap guide? no it’s A GREAT guide! Tanks in FFXIV are VIP and SpookyRobinson is here for it!


20 thoughts on “A Crap Guide to Final Fantasy XIV – Tanks | SpookyRobinson Reacts to JoCat”

  1. Even in dungeons you do want to space them mitigations out. The ideal is to first focus on always having at least one thing up, then once you learn when you can you toss extra on top, with a focus on keeping incoming damage as smooth as possible. If you know half the pull will die sooner, it can be worth using more early as the dead enemies will mean less incoming damage anyway. But most pulls things die at a similar time.

    "OP" in FFXIV means you do like.. 4% more than others in your role. Things are pretty tight. The variability from player skill is dramatically higher.

  2. Yeah, I never have an issue making sure my tank stance is on. It's literally a button that lets you do a "Come get some" pose before you charge into a giant group.

    If anything, I sometimes turn it off and back on just so I can do that pose–you know, gotta flex.😏

  3. The problem with poppung all your midegaitions in one go is is that that dont stack the way you think that do,
    for example if you pop a 30% and a 20% midgetion you do not get a total of 50% Midegaiton but more like 45%,
    it's becose the second midigation used is calculating the "shield" based upon incomming dammage after the first midigation has done the same calculation

  4. I think the tank stance problem is left over spaghetti code from 1.0. The thing with abilities is that even tho it doesn't show it, they are different levels and spells depending on your level. So when you get level synced it would be a different spell than your unsynced version. I think there's 1.0 spaghetti code involved because we've been complaining about this for years and they won't even address it.

  5. As you get to higher levels, tanks can increasingly find more dungeon bosses they can solo (assuming they know how to use their cooldowns). The problem is that it takes a while if the boss isn't already under 25% health remaining, so even if the party suicided itself they can get a little salty having to sit and watch you do their job for them.

    A little while back, I think a Warrior posted a video of him soloing the first boss of the Pandemonium normal raid. If I recall, it took him nearly a full lockout (over an hour?) to take down a 10 minute fight if you had all 8 people. I believe I could do the same thing with a few attempts but I don't feel like sinking the time into proving it. Props to that person for persistence.

  6. When the tank uses all their mitigations in a wall-to-wall pull and the healer has to spam cure on them, that means I'm one of the only ones DPSing while I panic as your healthbar hits triple digits every two seconds and I know I'm next to get aggro if you go down lol

  7. If you pull the entire dungeon without asking me first, as the healer, I Will let you die and ask you what you learned about running off without the pace maker of the party.

  8. I know this video is 9 months old… but the thing about Tank Stance. It ONLY turns off if you go into a dungeon 'below' your current level.

    ie: if your lvl 40 and your duty roulette puts you into a lvl 35 dungeon, your tank stance will be removed.

    This happens because the 'mechanic' of "Level Syncing" strips all 'buffs' (excluding food and FC buffs), to prevent you from going into lower-level content with higher level stats as part of the "Syncing" process. (you can actually see this by going to a Fate in a zone = to your level, you cna run up with all buffs/abilities and go at it. But go to a Fate in a lower level zone, and once you click 'level sync' all your currently running 'buffs' poof, and you have to re-apply them)

    Tank stance is 'technically' a buff, which is why you have to re-apply it when you lvl-sync 🙂


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