A Crap Guide to Final Fantasy XIV – Healers

Dont tell me to rez more, you should die less

Music – original piece by me
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Other music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: https://player.epidemicsound.com/
#ffxiv #crapguide #jocat


34 thoughts on “A Crap Guide to Final Fantasy XIV – Healers”

  1. Came here from Asmongold's video, decided to pause his and watch this first. ROFL. Watched his, more ROFL. The gift that keeps on giving.
    Edit: …and since I just started a healer, it's kind of helpful.

  2. So I play ESO on and off due to no time and lack of interest at this time, but this series of "crap guides". It is really making me want to find the time and play FFXIV. Also I have never touched any of the Final fantasy series so I am very confused by it but very intrigued.
    Great video

  3. I'm actually glad you talked about doing damage as a healer, because this game has a LOT of free time between heals and if you're not always casting something you're just doing it wrong.

  4. So, if we're going to get all the class guides, does that mena you're saving the OG for last? You know, the big boys in blue, the ultimate class, the Final Fantasy equivalent to the Sword and Shield. You know them! You love them! Will we get a crap guide to Blue Mages?

  5. You guys actually get healers? I get green dps. Every single time I play summoner the healer had let the tank die and I end up being second healer and rez mage the whole dungeon cause healer is slacking. I should not be getting 3 coms as a dps it is unnatural to me

  6. Lunarcon sounds dope but I’m not really a fan of shenpai for reasons… but it’s dope that she created something that big so anybody that is joining the event, I hope you enjoy yourself


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