Quazii reaction to recent FFXIV drama.

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  1. It's just a bunch of individuals exposing how emotionally insecure they are. Why care about how someone is spending their time? Quit projecting, own your misery and find a healthier way to get around this barrier.

    It's only noise at the end of the day.

  2. I feel people are trying to escape from how difficult the real world has become for many these past few years. Hence participating in the drama & obsessing over trivial things makes sense and its an easy outlet. It'll be okay folks, stay strong.

  3. As a lalafell player myself, why tf is the lalafell chair drama even a thing. Who cares. There are more important things in the world to be upset about then a chair made for a fictional race in a video game

  4. In japanese community we use a word CALM ( from FFX) that means the time that no big contents dropping and players leave to play other games, all dramas happening, and we know it always coming and accept it. Just like nature, seasons come and go, it's totally fine.

  5. Honestly to me it feels like a bunch of people struggling to find things to make content about who are just blowing things out of proportion to try and fill the space. It is kind of rediculous. It also gives me a sense of how unfamiliar many of them are with the FF14 content cycle since this one has been pretty normal. Sure it has had a few things that haven't fully panned out with the Variant Dungeons in particularly lacking much staying power but that often happens when FF14 trys new things. For all the praise Bojza had, it was the third iteration at an open world. The first, the Diadem, was such a dud it was only played when people found a way to exploit it for easy loot and the moment that got fixed no one would touch it. The original iteration isn't even in the game anymore. I would also say the overhaul and the trust system upgrades are probably taking up a bunch of resources. That is ok it needs to be done for the long term health of the game. If I run out of stuff to do now I can play something else and come back to this game later. People just need to chill.

  6. Oh wow, I didn't know there was any drama these days 😂. I deleted twitter a while ago and everything is so quiet for me now. Just me and my friends playing the game we love. Lalafell chair? Whaaaaat….

  7. Things like this make me… grateful for issues i have outside the game and I think that's kinda sad? I shouldn't be grateful bout any misfortune on me, my life and stuff. But it stops me from partaking in this strange stuff.
    I haven't got the energy to deal with this stuff people complain about.

  8. Drama is exhausting haven’t been interacting with most of the Ffxiv social media stuff much now been playing persona and just hopping in ff when friends and I make plans to run orthos. If anyone needs me I’ll be playing persona 5 royal

  9. Yeeeah, the lala chair, the viera emote thing. I've seen people mention the lala thing, but the viera thing is just as annoying (and I even play one), this is mainly the reason the devs never wanted to add viera in the first place, because they don't have the time, and players acting like they deserve special snowflake status to accommodate their model. :/

  10. Glad to see you doing ffxiv content again. Seen you doing wow lately and I admit… it bores me. I miss your ffxiv content. Obviously haven't unsubbed because I always assumed you'd come back later. We're mid expansions… lots of people taking breaks. Never occured to me it might be about drama…. I didn't realise there was drama lol.

    I didn't know there was lala drama. Lalas rule!

    Granted, I am doing a good job of teaching lalas on Materia that non-lalas are just too talls who are weak. I'm pretty sure every in Limsa on Sophia on Materia knows the truth about too-talls.

    Does lalafel lifter annoy me? As a lalafel main.. yeah. It pisses me off. Putting in a highchair for it.. yeah.. that pisses me off. it's bull shit and yes, it's insulting. I'm an adult. My lala character is also an adult. A fucking high chair is insulting.

  11. For me as a old school player who started in heavenswards and the begining of stormblood, i cant really say that FFXIV goes downhill or getting worse, it is the opposite.
    Story in endwalker isnt the greatest, so it wasnt in stormblood, however one thing in common those 2 expasions have is content.
    The amount of content we received in end walker is outstanding and i still didnt even started bozja or didnt finished eureka from stormblood and havent touch island, and i have to do crypterion dungeons. The amount of content available for casuals and hardcore players is real big. Even PVP is alive and queues takes up to 5 minutes max, i remember those taking 30 minutes or 1 hours back in stormblood, can you believe it? And it was a complete sh***, now its in a way better state. DPS queues also got way better in this expansion than in previous ones.
    The quality of glamours and other thingies such as weapons and outfits also increased dramatically over few years. Now we are going to get a graphic update which was unthinkable just few years ago in stormblood, SE and Yoshi said it would take too much resources and time but now it turned out they could and will do this update anyway, especially character look update.

    The game is getting better and better from my perspective as a casual. If someone says it is bad, then he never played in stormblood first patch cycle.

  12. "Everytime i open social media its all negativity"
    Thats because Social media like twitter are SPECIFICALLY designed to promote and foster negativity because it keeps people on the site longer and gets more clicks than anything else, it is by design!!

    To add onto that, the people on twitter are the extremely small minority that spends more time on twitter than in the actual game, it may seem like "everyone hates this" but thats an illusion of scale, its probably a thousand people at best over millions.

    And to further compound the issue, when a general community has nothing truly major to complain about (yes, i know theres many valid complaints, but those are from specific people or communities not the wider average community)
    Then, adding up the last 2 points, they turn to whatever they can, the smallest little things, to blow out of proportion and make drama out of, to "feed the machine" and keep it going.

    In recent years, the burden of filtering information has been entirely passed onto the user, to filter out and stop reading when things get too negative or too biased to one side, and many people are unaware or unwilling to do so,
    Stay strong

  13. It's a weird tribalism to people the last 10 years. Seemed to evolve out of the console wars into a general craving for drama and for collective dog piling when someone draws blood not realizing that all they have done is waste energy time and ruined something.

  14. Thank god someone has finally said it! I started avoiding social media apps like Facebook and Twitter because the drama and toxicity everywhere in those said apps are truly exhausting. I don't know why people love to create and interact with such negativities as if IRL struggles isn't hard enough.

    Latest I've heard from friends was the complain about the lull period and that even though a minor patch has dropped, they are not happy with the new relic quests because it ain't like Eureka or Bozja. And they are blaming it on the devs for focusing too much time on FFXVI or just being lazy like what? If there's nothing to do in the game then they are free to just drop it anytime. Return if they see something that peeks their interest. That's a very simple solution and some are making it complicated.

  15. There's been some content creators just feeding into the pointless drama lately, when they usually don't, and that sort of energy is just too draining and feels meaningless to listen to. Thank you for this and staying positive and level headed. To expect no lulls in an MMO is unrealistic. If the game isn't fun for us right now, come back later, because we KNOW it will, and I'm excited for the future ♡

  16. Why do people care if a "streamer" takes a break or stops playing a game? Enjoy the game yourself 😛 Streamers dont pay your monthly sub. Be the best you can be. Thanks Quazii for a great video good to see you again!

  17. One reason why drama like this explode because despite the game getting new content, there isn't really much to do that is actually worth doing.

    Welcome to ff14 content drought ig

  18. How do these people finish all the content with enough time to start drama? I'm barely able to finish each update's content in time for the next and that's on at least 5 hours a day.

  19. The community has a tendancy to thrive on drama and milk it for content because there is a lul in the game, if people get that crazy then its time for them to play another game or do something completely different, being terminally online isn't good for anyones mental health.

    For example beck in ARR just before Heavensward release people would stir up drama in the FC just to entertain themselves, this isn't anything new but its also a bit sad.

  20. This is how I feel about FFXVI the game is not even out yet and ppl Makin videos hoping the game doesn't do well cause it's not turn base… smh like if you don't like something just don't play it dont try and spoil it for others who might find it entertaining

  21. I haven't played the game in half a year and sometimes randomly see some drama stuff around the game. From an outside view the drama seems absolutely insane and petty.
    I'm kinda glad I distanced myself from the community around social media.

  22. The only interactions I've had during this patch cycle were with my fc and it's been quiet as hell. I feel like people on twitter, and/or social media in general, follow a certain philosophy and that is 'When people have no problems, they come to manufacture their own'.

  23. im just playing FF, i dont pay much attention to the dramas that are going on nor care much about everyone being so offended by literally everything, i found my FC with nice ppl in it, most of them not simping or drama queens but eh, some people need drama and build it up if there is nothing.
    Quazii, im glad youre doing this kind of content but on the same time im really happy im just a player and dont have to keep up with all the shit :')

  24. I wound up taking a break from Twitter last month due to the controversies surrounding Hogwarts Legacy (which I personally wound up getting tired of because it was just a neverending loop of toxicity and anger) and ever since I've started using it less and noticed just how much better I started feeling. Even when I still check Twitter I actively don't check what other FF14 players say because I know that ever since Shadowbringers that it's usually gonna be some really bullshit hot takes. I've been playing for almost 8 years at this point, I still love the game, but Matron's Tits am I /tired/ of the people that try to stir up drama just because they have nothing else to do.

    And for reference to the most recent drama bomb – I have a friend who plays as a Lalafell and even they acknowledged that the whole chair debacle was just stupid.


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