An HONEST Guide to FINAL FANTASY XIV – Episode 1: The Degeneracy Begins

Well most of you knew it was coming, and barring some lovely technical issues courtesy of Adobe I wanted to get this out before I get well and truly stuck in with the Blizzard stuff.
Twitter: @Preachgaming
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43 thoughts on “An HONEST Guide to FINAL FANTASY XIV – Episode 1: The Degeneracy Begins”

  1. Its finally here! You all knew it was coming, just a bit later than expected courtesy of Adobe giving me the dirty dick last week. Anyway, I wanted to get this one out before I get stuck in with the Blizzard stuff and go into full editing gremlin state.

    Hope ye enjoy.

    P.S. A video like this takes ages to edit and makes basically no ad revenue, so why not think about picking up a shirt or displate, or even just throwing a dollar onto the website. We're about to throw up a load of stuff over the next month once we've worked through the stuff Mike and Nupss filmed in Cali. Love you all.

  2. When he mentioned the map when the original "guide" launched, I thought he was crazy. Silly. Exaggerating! I've never had an issue with the map!
    I invited someone new to the game.

    It was I who was the weirdo all along…

  3. So the main reason I never really managed to get into WoW is that I'm too indecisive to pick a class. I've heard you mention that you don't need alts to do different classes in FFXIV but it somehow never clicked for me until watching this that this means I could actually play FFXIV. Shit. I might have to give it a shot.

  4. Mike's "serious player" voice always cracks me up, we've all played with a person like that and I can also completely relate 🤣

    Great video Preach team, loving Drama time as always, please do more 🙏 😀

  5. If only SE had some actual Gamer PR senses, they would have hired Preach and his team to make the guides, instead of what became their own atrocious and waste of time/money guides(EN).
    Great video, and fitting the bills perfectly too.


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