6 UNSPOKEN RULES in FFXIV – Things NEW PLAYERS MUST KNOW – Cobrak Final Fantasy 14

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Here be 6 things I either learned real quick, or WISH I’d learned on day 1 as a new player in FFXIV 😁 What’d I miss? Probably a LOT, so fire away!

My go-to channel for fast dungeon guides! Tom Scott Does Stuff: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr62xHDiNDizXUIUmdj2pdg

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43 thoughts on “6 UNSPOKEN RULES in FFXIV – Things NEW PLAYERS MUST KNOW – Cobrak Final Fantasy 14”

  1. Wanna clarify that "watch dungeon guides" tip! Please note I brought it up PRIMARLY as a way to dispel anxiety for new players (like myself) that don't wanna feel like an inconvenience to the group when queing a dungeon for the first time, and that's all! Of course it won't apply to everyone – if you want to queue up blind and that's more fun for you, it's awesome to know the FF community at large is accommodating to that – but for folk like me, it's just more comfortable to know what to expect in terms of key mechanics ahead of time.

  2. Dungeons become more challening from Stone Vigil up, so watching guides isnt bad idea. Most of guides are like 5 minutes long and you at least know what to expect, because failing mechanics becomes more and more deadly.

  3. had a couple of ppl telling me to skip a cutscene cuz i can watch it anytime in the inn's but the other ppl stuck up for me saying to ignore those dicks and enjoy the cutscene

  4. I've watched 30 or 40 FF14 videos and it seems like a trend when the community is mentioned … it's basicly one giant family and everyone take care of each other and babysits each other, it seems so odd after playing sooo many games with super toxic communities.

  5. I started as a tank last week – i look up every instance before I join duty q. No reason for a tank/healer to not take 5 minutes and just get a glimpse unless you are running as a group and want to experience it that way.

  6. No. You don’t spend hours crafting. You spend whole weeks. And this comes from an omnicrafter who can make just about anything HQ guaranteed from garbage. It’s a few hours per crafting class gathering all the materials (which is actually what the time-consuming part is, honestly – especially if you’re doing leather working and need 150 skins that drop randomly from specific enemies).

  7. Watching dungeon guides is probably more important for tanks than anybody else, as a healer I pretty much just followed the DPS and never ran into an issue (at least up through Heavensward where I am now). Good thing is that most groups I have been in, somebody will mention any weird mechanics if they notice a couple sprouts in the group.

  8. Can add to the crafting classes bit as i am someone that levels all of them at once, you will quickly run out of space for anything as you will have it littered with meterials and all gear that fits on your other classes. You don;t really need crafted gear for MSQ as you can get the Poetic gear + dungeon gear for the entire thing.

  9. LOL Actually 80% of the people I've known in the game hate Lalafels as much as I do. The argument that they are not really all that child-like in invalid due to their annoying and, yes, very child-like emotes.

  10. On the topic of dungeon guides, I think its mostly a personal choice. For me I was maining healer, so I knew going into a new dungeon that I would probably die if I was going in blind, and that would most likely lead to a wipe, so I did watch guides beforehand (but didn't fully memorise it) just as a courtesy to my party. If you want to jump straight into a new dungeon with other players, you can just mention to them at the start that you are new to the dungeon, and generally people will be accepting (especially if they are new to it too) For me it was harder since I play on a JP server, and so sometimes that random matchup comes with a language barrier too. At lv 70 you get trusts (you + 3 NPC charecters), and so for the MSQ I now always do it with trusts the first time, that way I get the story immersion, I can watch the NPC do the mechanics to learn it, and don't have to worry about NPC's getting upset at me for dying, all at the cost of the run taking a little longer than normal.

  11. I have been playing since the beginning. I started as a Lala thaum. I played an alchemist for two years without progressing the story. I loved the crafting and gatherimg system soooo much.

    Anyways. Heaven is on the horizon and the realization i nees to do all of ARR vanilla was certainly when i realized i made a big big mistake. It was a long six months of pure love and joy and hate.

    Ah the good old days.

    Dont start as a crafter.

  12. Lalafels are awful. I have nothiing against small races with good art and concept, but they look like babies with low effort art. Compare them to Guild Wars 2 Asura or even good gnome art like MTG's Gaddock Teeg. Ff XIV with expansions have a GREAT story and art style, but ARR had a rushed dev time and it show in races – but huge green dudes and Lalafels are just plain bad. Good thing they are not popular.

  13. I always watch dungeon guides mainly because im usually the tank and you kinda have to know what to do, since you are pretty much in charge.
    Specially in raids were you can single-handedly wipe the raid if you make certain mistakes..

  14. My opinion on researching dungeons. You should definitely research if you are going in with pugs. Only go in blind if with your guild or people who know you and know you are going in blind. Don't be the asshat that wipes a dungeon.

  15. If you'll be playing on the Crystal datacenter, the town to be careful around isn't Limsa, it's Ul'dah.
    Unless you're looking to buy ERP for 100k gil an hour on average.

  16. If I ever see the message ab a new player in the dungeon I take it slow so they can see everything and listen to the music. Ya better wait for those sprouts 😡

  17. Actually we do know if there's a new person in the dungeon because a message pop to tell us we're gonna get a bonus. That's one of the reason also why people are.nice with sprouts. We get paid for it. (But you didn't hear me say that)

  18. I have a daily rotation going with the small cactpot and the supply and provisioning missions. Each supply gives you at least one level. Sometimes if it’s a high quality item I get like 4 levels on my DoH jobs. If you have the time, take the 30 minutes and get the quick levels just to keep up easier. My theory at least. I went from like 25 ARM to 35 in about 4 days when I only did ARM stuff for less than 30 min a day. So 10 levels for 2 hours total.

  19. I want to add something to your "Watch dungeon guides" tip: No ff14 player expects you to watch a guide for the Story-dungeons and trials. Totally fine going into those things blind.
    But for the love of all that is holy, if you want to attempt harder content via the Duty-finder, Extreme-trials for example, please do yourself and the 7 other people a favor and watch a small guide. Dont be that guy that thinks "oh i was told the community is very friendly, surely they will teach me all i need to know" A little bit of work on your part will go a long way

  20. What a shit video….
    Heres 6 ACTUAL unspoken rules (not necessarily because they're hush hush or dark, but some because they're just common sense):
    1) The only people who play cat-girl characters, are men, be aware. Actual women play bunny-girls or potatoes.
    2) Dont spoil the fucking story for new players
    3) Dont hate on the sprouts (new players), and dont overload them with information either, they'll figure it out in time, the game is very straight forward for all the important bits
    4) Y'shtola is MINE and you cant have her (literally a thought shared by every single ff14 player…. male and female alike)

    5) If you join a party finder to farm a mount from a specific trial, and by the grace of god it drops on the first few kills and YOU win it, DO NOT LEAVE THE GROUP.

    Have an amount of time in mind you are willing to stay and farm that fight for when you join the group… is it 30 minutes? is it an hour? is it two hours? Have that time frame in mind and plan to stay that entire time REGARDLESS of if you get the mount the very first kill or not. Also, most mounts can be bought for 99totems which you get 1 for each kill of that boss (with the exception of rathalos in "the hunt" where it takes 50).. if you're unlucky enough to be at, say, 80 totems and still farming that boss, and the mount drops? Just let it pass man, the group will gladly keep killing it for more totems for you which will get you the mount as well.
    (PS: rule 5 is also known as the "dont be a dickhead" rule)

    Finally 6) ARR sucks, HW and on are so much better…. IN HINDSIGHT <- this is the unspoken part.

    ARR on its own actually is no longer that bad at all, and even with all the extra quests, we all loved it when WE were living through it while it was current content. They trimmed a lot of the bloat of post 2.0 content down, but its still a lot of quests. Its actually not bad content though, and as you get closer to heavenwards it gets better and better, with the climax of "the parting glass" being god damn amazing….. HOWEVER… it sucks compared to HW.. which itself sucks compared to SB.. which itself is "okay" compared to ShB <- which itself is probably going to be "not as good as" Endwalker once it comes out.

    That is to say, the game, and especially the story, have continued to improve by leaps and bounds with each expansion. The voice acting improves, the dialogue itself improves, the emotions become more visceral, the characters more deep and fleshed out, and so on. That doesnt mean that, for example, HW is "bad," but it IS very underwhelming when you compare it directly against shadowbringers, and ARR (the base game up until ishgard) is "bad" compared to everything that came after it.

    So, when you get to lvl 80, and have toppled the big baddies of shadowbringers and finished the story up through 5.5 and are with the rest of us waiting on endwalker… you'll understand what we mean. We all loved ARR when we were playing through it. We loved HW when we were playing through it, and so on, just like people like Asmon and others are really (supposedly) enjoying (and not just farming for viewers) the ARR content. When yall get to where we are, you'll look back and see how "meh" ARR was and how much greater things have gotten over time. Thats what we mean when we say "ARR was bad.. but it gets better from HW on."

    And there, thats six ACTUAL unspoken "rules" of ff14

  21. On crafting – they're a pretty decent way to get that gil, especially cooking & goldsmithing from say level 50 crafting on. Which becomes more important if you've a couple of jobs on the go and need to upgrade gear ^^

  22. ok so the first unspoken rule is false, Lalafells are awful creatures and you can be harsh to them. You'll just be cast out by the lalafell lover community, which isn't too much of an issue considering what they love


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