I made this video as soon as I could. I had a lot of fun with the 24 player raid and I hope you all enjoyed it was well! Can’t wait to see what kind of twists and turns the story takes in the future!
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#ffxiv #raid #endwalker
I'm still of the theory that the Twelve are the 12 followers Venat convinced to help her summon Hydaelyn, and the raid continues to further prove that
the Omphalos having Ancient architecture, the Twelve having easy mastery over creation magic, knowing who Hydaelyn was and why Emet knew them, and that they disappear and reappear as colored orbs similarly to the Ascians and that one Sahagin
I love how 6.1 patch we get to meet the 12 themselves or at least four of them until the next patch but until then we can kind of interact with four of them although I sort of wish instead of a 24-man raid bosses they were simply endgame trial bosses like pandemonia kind of a missing opportunity I mean we still gets the face 12 but we just face them endlessly until you're defeated or Dare defeated and well sure the final boss does have an ultimate and I will make it super cool the other three gods do not have and sure a attack can kind of look like ultimate but they just repeat the same thing and it doesn't do as much damage and you don't need a shield for it I guess what I'm saying is I would have liked the face to 12 as trial bosses instanter 24-man raid bosses there's nothing wrong with that it's just my opinion also sorry for my long rant I tend to do that whenever I make comments oh and clarification this is kind of more towards Savage endgame trial bosses I know normal bosses you do face endlessly until the timer Runs Out that's something I forgot to mention but I just kind of prefer Savage/extreme/ultimate battles because the bosses of a lot more attacks Plus there in Rage attack can kind of trick you into thinking oh this is just a normal attack this won't do as much damage unless I have very low health and I don't think anyone's going to understand what I'm saying this is me almost everyday people sometimes don't understand what I'm saying but people are people and can't change that
Poggers dab dab dab dab based and redmage pilled
My first thought was "maybe they're aliens like the dragons?" But much more powerful? But I like your theory!
The theory I’m currently latched on to is that the Twelve might be something akin to auspices, especially since Byregot and Rhalgr appeared in Rhalgr’s Reach in animal form.
Thank you so much for doing these lore posts. I finished the main storyarc and I’m taking time away while I work on some RL quests, but I still really want to know what’s happening.
Kudos to you!
As someone who's been playing a Highlander MNK ever since I started the game, I could not be happier with how Rhalgr was portrayed in this patch, both personality and fight-wise!
On a related note, I noticed that sales on the hunting hawk minion on my server's market board seemed to have risen a fair bit since Tuesday.
In general, I adore the chemistry between the four members of the 12 in the couple scenes we see of them together. They come across like a bunch of old friends, despite what tensions may or may not have existed between them in times of legend. I can't wait to see even more of them in the coming patches!
On a purely fanservice-fueled side of things, I would love to see them interact with the Four Lords, be it in a small future questline, or as part of a cameo in the seasonal events as the Four Lords have taken to doing. I think there could be some very entertaining interactions there.
While some are happy to see Thal’s proverbial balls but I’m looking forward to the storied Matron’s teats.
this raid brought to me more questions then answers i am not sure what these gods are or what their ultimate goal is.that being said i have enjoyed this raid looking froward to solving this mystery
Thanks for sharing; take care
Egads, now I'm wondering whether the wandering shoebill we saw in Shadowbringers is one of them!
I loved how you specifically called attention to Oschon with the way you said his name while having the camera showing our "fresh-faced student."
I suspect with the way this guy reacted to everything the gods were saying and doing, and the odd camera shots he kept getting, they're trying to hint he's Oschon trying to do something on the downlow here. Whether the other gods are in on whatever plan he has or not, I don't know.
Have Y'shtola look at them. Problem solved. I'm a genius.
When I did the 24 man I – and I’m not lying – called Azeyma “Mommy” when I first saw her in the raid. I play a Miqo’te so it was gonna happen anyway. And my clan is a seeker of the sun however my true guardian is Halone so I eagerly await fighting her when we do as my Miqo’te was born and raised in Ishgard
I came to the conclusion that they were auspices. Maybe far more ancient ones than the ones we know but still auspices.
The raid got me unexpectly emotional, I felt so betrayed when they played the villain for an ascendance. I was just thinking "Please no, you're above that".
Dude I literally shouted "I wanted to believe in you! Yesss" when they told us it was just an act, damn I trusted the dude who game me the skill to finish all my hardest crafts with that powerful blessing. My guardian is Oschon, but sure I love Byregot, Nophica and after this raid Nald'Thal.
I took that Nald'thal battle way too seriously as soon as those first raidwides hit me as a Healer, good thing my team did it first try,really really didn't want to loose.
Rhalgar looks a bit like Ramuh.
"So that's umbral light and astral darkness, yes?… Have we had it backwards this whole time?…"
I'm beginning to think that the creation myth of the Twelve isn't about the creation of the sundered world of Hydaelyn. But rather, is a story about the creation of the ancient, unsundered world, Ethrys. Emet had "a penchant for nation-building" according to Elidibus, but did you notice how the nations that were built had worship or reverence of oneself, forsaking the Twelve? I think the Ancients did exactly that in their own past. They forsook their pantheon of gods and decided to build themselves up as demi-gods, after a fashion. Quetzalcoatl was an example of the Ancients' hubris. They weren't a deity like one of the Twelve.
Consider the Seat of Azem. Upon the crystal bestowed to the holder of the seat, is the engraving of a satellite orbiting the Sun. Azeyma is a goddess of the sun, Her light would grace the whole surface of the planet as it orbits and rotates around. What better way to mock the sun goddess, than to bastardize Her name, give it to a seat of authority and tell the holder, to wander around and explore the lands and people of the world? When Elidibus warns to the Warrior of Darkness at the end of Heavensward's first arc, "…his might encroaches upon the realm of gods…", I don't think he meant just Hydaelyn and Zodiark, because he doesn't say "OUR god", or "THE gods", or "A god". He would know, being a learned sort, that Ethrys had a pantheon of gods just watching and waiting to see what Their creations were up to.
The Ascians had a MO, didn't they? Encourage the tribesmen to call out to their own gods, only for them to fall at the hands of the primal slayer, thus would they be encouraged to call out to greater powers. I wonder if the Ancients did that, too. Did they call out to the Twelve, only to have their prayers ignored? Do the Twelve know about the function of primals, siphoning aether from the land and people, enthralling bystanders under their control, because They were patiently observing the self-destructive nature of Their wayward creations? After the abuse of creation magics for so long on Ethrys, I think the Twelve were content to allow the Ancients to destroy themselves. I think, the Twelve's plan was to let Endsinger destroy the planet and begin anew. But Hydaelyn's sundering of the world unexpectedly broke even the Gods Themselves. It might explain why it is that the people on the First have a pantheon of gods all on their own. They make several exclamations of "gods", in the plural, throughout Shadowbringers.
So, after all of this history of the ancient world up to recent events, the Twelve might see that it's finally time to reveal Themselves once again… before They leave for good. I think They have witnessed how the Source and reflections are under better care of people who are respectful of the planet they live on (failing that, at least the people on the Source don't have that kind of control over aether, to abuse their power to the extent the Ancients did), and the Twelve wish to make a "godly exit" from the stage.
Just a thought. It came to me while I was in the shower, I don't know (Byregot) why…………………?
I believe that Deryk is Thaliak or Oschon he is just chilling and watching.
I also feel that they existed before the ancients. I honestly don't want to believe they were just whipped up by the ancients
Calling it right now, which you seem to be alluding to with Deryk in the final frames:
100%, that little Opo-opo is Oschon, since he seems to be the last of the Gods we'll encounter if we're going in elemental order anyway.
I'm seeing a lot of lovely theories in the comments but honestly I feel like we don't have quite enough information to make any real judgement calls on what's REALLY going on here…aside from the fact that Deryk is SUS.
taps nose at that ending
I see them as possibly mortal version of the auspices, basically sennin from Chinese/Japanese mythology, mortals who have simply willed themselves into immortality/divine power (possibly with a dose of help from Hydaelyn?). Thordan, Shiva, Tsukoyumi were all sort of like this though they cheated through using external power to give themselves the necessary power boost, they are a different breed of primal to the type completely "summoned" by worshippers, eg: Ifrit where the nature and personality of the primal is based on a compiled faith.
I think there's a spectrum of primal-fication or deification in the FF14 universe where sheer will and personal power (Hydaelyn) can be compensated for by external fuel (crystals or planetary aether) all the way down to copies made completely of fuel and smaller scraps of will in combination (worshippers).
They talk a lot about dreams and ascension but clearly see themselves as beneath Hydaelyn. My take is that they are not Ancients but perhaps mortals from the 1st Age who either became sennin in their own right or were recruited by Hydaelyn to help steer the star if she was otherwise focused elsewhere. As to why the Ascians didn't seem to care, well these "deities" are still based off sundered mortals regardless of their power or perhaps they have a purpose that is not at odds with the Ascians goals, for example, they might be put in place to make sure the mortal races survive any chance rejoinings/calamities, the Ascians want to force a rejoining but they have no desire for all life to be extinguished prematurely to the final rejoining so this wouldn't conflict.
I think they are either fragments of the ancients that helped summon Hydaelyn or beings that Hydaelyn raised in power akin to the Acsians being raised by the unsundered via Zodiark power infusion. In the first era Hydaelyn would certainly have enough power in order to do this but creations via creation magic also work.
Would not surprise me if Deryk was a creation by them to lead us into the realm. I don't think it's the gods themselves as they said taking on forms like that break their rules
lol @ the pointed ending