📲 Install Raid for Free Mobile and PC: https://pl.go-ga.me/o14kp6jm and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion Knight Errant 🔥
In this video, I’m sharing 5 secrets to mastering Final Fantasy XIV. These tips will help you get the most out of the game and improve your skills quickly.
If you’re new to Final Fantasy XIV or you’re looking for ways to improve your gameplay, then this video is for you! In it, I’ll share 5 secrets to mastering the game that I wish I had known when I first started playing. From tips on class and job selection to how to make the most of your levelling experience, this video has everything you need to start playing and enjoying Final Fantasy XIV!
Currently working through MSQ live on stream right now! –
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Featuring The Saggi EU Community!
📲 Install Raid for Free Mobile and PC: https://pl.go-ga.me/o14kp6jm and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion Knight Errant 🔥
YES! the story is worth it
What happened to the eye? Oh and yes agree to all of it.
Nice video, dude. o7
Great video for anyone wanting to start their XIV journey, keep up the good content!!