5 Reasons Why You NEED To Try FF14

I’ve been having so much fun with FF14 and it’s changed my perspective on gaming so much that I wanted to make a video specifically detailing why I think every WoW/MMORPG player should try FF14. I do focus heavily on the comparisons between WoW and FF but I think even other MMORPG players might get something out of FF14.

Xenosys clip: https://youtu.be/DN1vI3cgK1w?si=DgKTI0aiGap8XIcI

0:00 5 Reasons to Try FF14
1:04 No Beta/PTR
4:50 Level Syncing
6:05 Global Release
7:30 Phasing
8:41 The Critically Acclaimed MMORPG


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20 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why You NEED To Try FF14”

  1. I’ve always wondered if there is other MMO’s I should try to gain a better sense of perspective on the market of the genre. I don’t ever see myself permanently leaving 14, mostly just breaks from time to time, but I really went from being someone that thought he wouldn’t be an MMO fan, to a massive fan of the genre.

  2. Psybear, you weren't kidding – This definitely is NOT the normal list of why you should try out FFXIV reasons! As someone who hasn't played WoW since Burning Crusade (and has been playing XIV for the past 3.5 years now) it's really interesting to hear the comparison of the two, and the strengths that might go unnoticed when everyone's pushing the talking points of "the story is the best" and "you can play all of the jobs (classes) on one character"! I've been loving your videos so far, and I'm glad that you're able to find so much enjoyment in a game I've also come to love – even (especially?) with it being in a completely different way than I have.

    To answer your question to us: I started playing back in ARR because some friends had started, then stopped playing because it seemed clear I'd never leave the house again. Then in 2020, other friends were playing and I was reminded how much fun I had … and for obvious reasons, I wasn't going out anyway. What really grabbed me was all of the non-combat/non-raid content … I got super deep into crafting, gathering, and (somehow?) fishing. Seriously, the fishing sub-community has been a really nice find, and they're a chill group who's super excited to share their knowledge without getting pushy about it.

    I look forward to seeing your time in Heavensward!

  3. Honestly people kept saying to me, ARR is super boring and a slog to get through…I quit WoW during BFA and I found ARR amazing! I don’t know wtf people are talking about. ARR is amazing if you’ve ever played any MMO before. Amazing video btw!!

  4. I have been playing FFXIV since it launched. I played FFXIV before playing WOW the first time in Legion. But I actually don’t like the difficulty distribution in FFXIV because difficulty can lock you out of content.

    You can’t experience the ultimate fights and their alternate lores unless you commit to doing ultimates and same goes for part 2 of the savages.

    You do get 2 difficulties for the main raids but the normal difficulty is not an easier version of the hard one — the easy mode is an incomplete fight that lacks any significant mechanics or entertainment value. I wish they had an intermediate difficult that is closer to the savage version. Maybe the same fight as savage with no enrage or mechanics only targeting half the raid rather than the full raid.

    I feel this would also help them push the envelope at the higher difficulties as well because they wouldn’t have to worry about a one-size-fits-all difficulty setting.

  5. I was part of the WoW exodus a couple years back, when we all learned about how some people were treated at that company, and then their continued insistence that they found "No evidence" on their own investigations was just gross. I had a guildie who was also playing FF14 at the time, and she suggested I switch over, best call I've made in a while, especially games wise. I still have an alt issue, even though you don't need them, and my main hasn't finished all the Battle Jobs to 90 yet, but I keep getting diverted by other things I wanna do as well lol. This game is amazing for keeping fresh, new things out there, from everything I've seen over the past two years or so.

  6. fwiw, there is still datamining in FF14, but it's much less pronounced than in WoW. But there have been instances of leaks being found in game files, or in high-end raid content, people finding out hints to puzzles by finding certain buffs/debuffs in the files.

  7. I have been a final fantasy fanboy since childhood, so I was sold on the game as early as 1.0 being announced. Sadly (or luckily depending on who you ask) my dad's work laptop just wouldnt cut it so I didnt have the ability to play till 2.3, but I was always gonna find some way to play.

  8. The big one to me is that FFXIV honors your time. If you get to the end of the content, they just…let you go.
    They try to give you plenty of good stuff to do, but if you're not feeling it they have far less "you have to do this to stay relevant" content than a lot of MMOs attempt to use to maintain "engagement." You can lay out a goal ahead of yourself and chase after it – there are a LOT of those available – but none of them make you feel like you're bad at the game if you don't bother with them.
    In short, The Grind Really Is Optional. There are loads of things you CAN grind for – favorite mounts, outfits, songs, achievements, or even just a desire to see all the side story content and easter eggs hidden around. But none of it feels like you're Failing if you don't engage with it.

  9. Xeno raging? Never! Lol He’s a good dude.

    I went to FFXIV from ESO and the thing that stood out for me was the community. Everyone was so welcoming, helpful and patient. It was fresh air compared to the meta driving high demands and rudeness in ESO. So, I stayed for a while. Haven’t played in almost a year. Dawntrail has me interested though. I’ll be back for that.


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