5 Beginner's Tips to Make Friends in FFXIV

Have you ever wondered the best ways to make friends in Final Fantasy XIV?
I’m here to help! In this video, I go over the ways I made my closest friends and online family over the years. I hope it helps you meet your new FFXIV family too!

0:00 Opening
0:17 Intro
1:13 Don’t be Scare of Party Finder!
2:44 Just Say Hello!
4:14 Use the Community Finder
6:33 Start Using Discord!
7:51 Go to In-Game Events
9:24 Bonus Tip (THANK YOU!)

We’ve got plenty of time until Endwalker to meet some amazing new people and build a community to share the next adventure with!

Links from the video:

Lunarcon: https://www.lunarcon.net/
Onibus Concert Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28Tb9xWUeXI
Bluezhift Allure Footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-EVej1ldY0


20 thoughts on “5 Beginner's Tips to Make Friends in FFXIV”

  1. My tip would be to roll on Crystal DC if you can even remotely interact with people while In Character… I've never played an MMO and so I had no friends in the game, but I'm a long time tabletop D&D player and I sought out the RP servers despite all the memes. And I'm so glad I did… RP is just shared storytelling, and even my timid but sincere efforts from around level 30 were enough to be welcomed and for my friends list to start filling up fast. It's been an amazing experience.

  2. Ive been getting more and more anxiety from me going to talk to people more than people talking to me and I'd respond. I feel like its because i'm over 30 who loves Anime and JRPGs probably a bit too much over the norm.
    I used to be more open when I was 16-20 playing maplestory.

  3. I am so glad I found your videos. I love supports and healing so naturally, it was my first class and it was very different learning the combat in this game. I have a lot of friends who are scared of healing and when I found your video, it was the best way to ease them into trying it out. Thank you for being so awesome and welcoming to those who want to learn. It can be intimidating to make mistakes among others who know something more than you, but giving learners a safe space to grow from mistakes is a wonderful thing.

    I am on Crystal and I would love to give your Miqo a big hug if I ever meet you <3

    Also for meeting new people, my group of friends is actually a guild (fc) from another game that all came to ffxiv as well. We love opening arms to shy beans and those looking for a comfy happy place to chill in. We don't do high-end content, a bit casual, but if that's the place for you, don't be scared to check us out!

    DTD Server: https://discord.gg/QGESZWera4
    Server: Crystal (Cross-World Linkshell)
    World: Goblin (FC)

  4. Listen, 10 out of 10 story, joined a FC, saw a cat-boy sitting afk in an office chair inside the FC house, decided that I wanna play with him, asked him till he had time to do roulettes with me. I was a bébé sprout and he a hardcore savage raider- FF14 mastermind-expert player, so you can imagine that most of the time he was busy with hardocre-savage-ff14 mastermind-expert content, TILL HE WASN'T. We both got a crush on each other, we married, I joined his static and now we are both hardcore savage raider- FF14 mastermind-expert players madly in love.

    Sometimes opportunities come flying your way….. and sometimes you just have to spam emote that cat-boy in the office chair.

  5. I wish i had found this video before i started playing FFXIV. My first experience with the game was good up until i joined my first FC. you see I was playing with two of my friends, I was so happy to start a new adventure with them and to get to explore the wonders of the game. however, not long after, my friends got into the same FC and kind of left me behind for a month…I later confessed to them that I felt left behind and eventually, they invited me into the FC. Apparently, my friends told them how I felt, and i kind of just became the runt of the litter in the FC. I ended up dropping my first character and stopped playing with my friends cause i felt unwanted there, and now I'm kind of hesitant on making new friends, hopefully, i will get rid of that shyness and try to find my online family. thanks for the video!

  6. Great vid but console players don't fuck with Discord. Why not put voip like the rest of the non-seamless mmos? I'm a sprout with no FC since PSN took down communities and I will more than likely play for plot since I'm not willing to Discord on my phone if I already have a perfect party chat system. TBH this is my only gripe with the game. I'm finishing SB btw just in case y'all want to dismiss my comment as "sprout bs"

  7. I'm the scum that says little aside from hello and wp at the end of every dungeon

    It just feels so difficult to type to people in roulettes since it seems like I constantly get hit with dead air
    The most interaction I usually get is related to being a potato which isn't bad but unless I'm actively asking about or explaining a mechanic I'm basically not acknowledged outside of a random /pat

    That said, I still lose it when I think about that random DPS calling me "Little Lady" as a male Lala in duty roulette

  8. Not the first time one of your videos became recommended on my feed, and not the first time I was impressed with the content contained within! I even loved the intro! Thanks for sharing some of your stories with us, and how you evolved as a player, socially, to help emphasize each point.

  9. So recently (not super recently but when I first started playing the game again) I found an FC that just so happened to be really good for me. They did the shout advertisement and the person gave me good vibes, so…I joined. I sent a tell and said I was interested. I'm an introvert and have SEVERE social anxiety, so I somehow thought that the person was going to laugh at me and reject me, or if they did let me in, everyone else was going to think I was a weirdo. But they are some of the kindest, most positive people I have ever met. They've accepted my gender identity, helped me navigate as a sprout who's getting farther than I ever have, and have been nothing but funny and great to be around. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be headed to Limsa saying "hey, love your glamour" any time soon because I'm still scared of people just innately thinking I'm a weirdo and I prefer having small groups of friends to bigger ones, but I still had a grand old time meeting the members of my FC and don't regret sending that first tell back in Ul'dah as a baby thaumaturge.

    Not that I'm not a baby black mage even though I finished ARR recently. But still.

  10. This is verry helpful thanks! I've been going solo mainly cuz i am or was (still am tbh) shy and didn't talk very much during rouls or anything of the such.

  11. Hey Everyone!!! Just wanted to let you know we currently have a poll going on in the Community Tab about future content and a new update video! If we get 100 likes on it (Update post), I'll open up a Community Discord for everyone to chat! I've seen so many amazing conversations here and would love to keep them going, but wasn't sure if that's what you guys wanted!

  12. Nice vid! .. I just started last weekend … a bit overwhelming since I’ve never played MMOs. I’m just kinda playing it like a regular FF game. I’ve been wanting to try for a long time but it always felt daunting … especially the cluttered UI and the sheer amount of stuff going on.

    When I I finally decided to bite the bullet and sit down to learn it took a day to get in a preferred server … I found out after all these new people are joining from WOW and all the preferred bonuses in NA are gone now so good thing I didn’t postpone again lol.

    I see sprouts everywhere so I guess it’s a good time to start and learn. I’ve pretty much decided to buy the game but I’m not sure I’ll be joining any FC anytime soon … kinda shy and I don’t want to frustrate anyone while I learn!

    Anyway hope you are excited for endwalker and have a blast when it arrives!


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