First time playthrough and reaction to FFXIV Shadowbringers 5.3!
We continue our efforts to return the Scions to the Source whilst dealing with the fallout of Elidibus. I hope you enjoy!
Shadowbringers 5.3 Finale Part 1:
Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:
Shadowbringers Trailer Reaction:
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Intro & Recap 0:00 – 3:59
Eulmore 3:59 – 10:38
The Heroes’ Gauntlet 10:38 – 20:59
Post-Dungeon Cutscenes 20:59 – 33:20
The Forest & Lyna’s Goodbye 33:20 – 41:18
Confronting Elidibus 41:18 – 57:35
The Seat of Sacrifice 57:35 – 1:10:36
Post-Trial Cutscenes 1:10:36 – 1:24:48
Scions speak at the Crystarium 1:24:48 – 1:33:13
The Inn & Halric 1:33:13 – 1:36:31
Eulmore & The Chais 1:36:31 – 1:42:16
Seto & Ardbert 1:42:16 – 1:50:32
Runar & Y’shtola 1:50:32 – 1:54:59
Twine 1:54:59 – 1:58:38
Ryne’s Goodbye 1:58:38 – 2:09:05
Returning Home 2:09:05 – 2:22:14
A New Scion 2:22:14 – 2:30:07
Zenos & Fandaniel 2:30:07 – 2:40:23
Thoughts & Outro 2:40:23 – 2:44:27
#2caves #finalfantasy #ffxiv
amaro's the shadowbringers-era "level all jobs to cap" mount, I would assume they didn't add sage/reaper to that since then
"what do you think she puts in her special tea" makes me wonder if there's a liquid equivalent to archon loaf that also has fish powder or whatever in it
Damn man its written all over your face at 1:21:13
"f'lhaminn's not here" they'd have to pay a new voice actor!
Berserker is just Warrior but with a sword, though.
Obligatory "Watch the Soken Speech at Fanfest" comment, watch it whenever you have time.
5:55 Makes me wonder if my own first black-masked ascian back in the Black Shroud was sent to test possible new heroes.
6:39 "What does all this lead to?" Ask and ye shall receive.
17:25 "Everybody kill the bard." "Not me." lol
Shadowbringers finale get that popcorn
It was sooo good when 5.3 dropped after being delayed for so long. Loved it <3
Please never stop MSQ (until youa re actually done with MSQ) your playtrought ahs been amazing all the way.
So to quickly help a bit with understanding the fire and ice attacks during the trial, the part you missed was that sometimes they weren't just "Blizzard/Fire III", but Imbued Blizzard/Fire III.
On the normal version, you just don't move during pyretic's entire length (even moving slightly before the effect fades means damage) and you move the moment blizzard goes off (to not get frozen and take constant damage during it) but stopping immediately after is fine.
In the imbued versions, he imbues his blade with the respective element and will activate untelegraphed the next time he uses his coruscant attack (named "Imbued Coruscant" when he does) and his sword has the appearance of the element it's imbued with. So the imbued versions are essentially a warning that "soon" the effect will go off, and during Imbued Coruscant you can look at its colour to see the incoming effect.
I probably could have made this shorter, but hope it still helps if you see it!
Great watch Two! Sorry I haven't been able to catch you live lately, but I'm so happy for these vids!
Elidibus' transformation is Final Fantasy 1 Warrior of Light. What a callback. To the first game in the series! So cool! And yeah, 5.3 is an emotional gut-punch. So many tear-inducing scenes…
such a great patch
You’re on the trolly into Endwalker, now! Also… You might consider a haircut before 5.55 patch 😉 You’ll… You’ll see why lol Just take my word for it, you’re going to want a new hairstyle. As for the story, it just becomes a massive snowball and the momentum just builds and builds. Endwalker does have its slow parts, but it’s all for important reasons. Anytime the story in Endwalker seems to crawl a little, there’s usually a really important tidbit connected to it that you should take note of, much like Stormblood. Definitely excited to see your reactions going forward!
This was THE patch. They went all out with this patch after it was delayed for several months by the pandemic. There are so many things that came out with it that would make this post super-long, but here are a few highlights:
1. Flying in ARR zones.
Would you believe that we still had to walk and ride mounts on the ground until this point in time?
2. Expanding the Free Trial to include all of Heavensward.
Would you believe that the old free trial capped at MSQ Lv35 right after defeating Titan?
3. The first trimming of the ARR MSQ.
They trimmed some of the fat off of the number of quests for both parts of ARR.
4. Unreal Trials.
These are old trials that are synced up to the current level cap, which is 90, and is rotated after each major patch is released. The current Lv90 Unreal Trial is King Thordan as of Patch 6.5. These trials are synced from Item Level 560 to 565.
Congratulations on completing this patch! You have taken your first steps on the Road to Endwalker!
55:25 Say hello to your now-canonized Duty Finder…and the true beginning of asking about the canon backstory to your character.
51:25 — I still find it funny that we get "accused" of having killed Lahabrea the whole time but in truth we didnt. We just beat his a** but he could've escaped to the rift – if Thordan hadnt stepped in…
59:35 — Fire is stop moving and stop attacking. Ice is moving around, or jump – both does the trick.
1:02:40 — Seriously? You didnt notice the iconic handwave? XD
1:47:42 — By leveling all jobs (except Reaper and Sage) to lvl80 🙂 Seto was my reason to max out all jobs. The moment I saw that mount in a feature video from Meoni, shortly after I started playing FF14, that became my goal ^.^ Took me six months or so 😀 Its my most favorite mount to this day ^.^
1:58:33 — Did you truely think, the Exarch was the last heartbreak this patch? Oh my sweet summer child XD
2:30:03 — Matoya 2.0. To be honest, I dont like the direction Y'shtola's character took in ShB… I liked her much better in ARR, HW and SB. Matoya is a cool character but I dont need a second version of her… and it seems Y'shtola is becoming just that 🙁
2:36:53 — Oh, dont you worry, not another tired old Calamity. They are old news. Zenos and his buddy have been… cooking up something else ^^°
Also, last but not least: congrats to your Ultimate kil 🙂
Yay, we got the tears boyyyyys ! 😀
2:27:18 I’m very curious to know what happens if you pick “…” and not “Graha, Really.” I have yet to see a single person choose it and I can’t bring myself to go back and pick it either.
The Heroes' Gauntlet is one of my favorite dungeons. You noticed the similarities to The Ghymlit Dark, and this dungeon is sometimes called "The Ghymlit Light."
Firstly, the music. A beautiful remix of five zone themes: Kholusia, Amh Araeng, Il Mheg, Lakeland, and Raktika (in that order). All solidifying that theme of a world coming together, and rising up to protect.
Then there's the amazing triple meaning of the name.
1. You are the hero, and you are running the gauntlet.
2. The enemies are heroes of their own world.
3. The people of Norvrant rising up to become the heroes.
Which leads nicely into the set pieces, and characters. Everyone is coming to your aid. Everyone. You saved this world in their moment of peril. What do its people do when they see you in a moment of peril? Stand up and do anything they can to help. Without hesitation, they give you an airship. Talos come barreling to your aid. The entirety of the Faerie Kingdom, including fae who you actively fought against before, declares, "Oi! Not in my backyard!" Soldiers of the Crystarium, and the Virtue Hunters all pick up their weapons and aid the people of the world, and aid you.
Elidibus tried to show you, with his little challenge in Amaurot, how death and destruction follows in your wake. How you are a monster. How you have the blood of thousands on your hands.
The Heroes' Gauntlet shows you the truth: you're not just a hero, you're these people's hero. You were willing to risk everything to save them, and in this moment, they return the favor.
It is an excellent farewell tour for Norvrant.
Here's something you might not have realized, your seat is the seat if Azem, if the name sounds familiar it should! after all you are the Khagan of a nation named after the seat. It's likely that both Azim, the auri sun god, and Azeyma, the sun god within the 12, were inspired by previous holders of the seat of Azem.
So what does this mean?
Most importantly it means not only did Magnai get his ass kicked, he got his ass kicked and then the guy who did it went on to become the new form of his god (who according to their belief makes you like his step great-great-great-great-great etc grandpa)
You beat his ass, stole his god's throne, and then your hot catgirl bestie rejected him. Bro has it TOUGH.
2:03:26 Got em!!! Don't worry, happened to all of us