3 BIG THINGS that have me ADDICTED to Final Fantasy 14 – SEND HELP! Cobrak FFXIV

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3 BIG gosh darn things that got me slightly addicted to Final Fantasy 14 – and triple triad is the least of ’em!

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37 thoughts on “3 BIG THINGS that have me ADDICTED to Final Fantasy 14 – SEND HELP! Cobrak FFXIV”

  1. Agreed about Cataclysm; that was when I first stopped playing, after having played since halfway through vanilla. Started and stopped again a couple of times, but I always lost interest again eventually. Been having a blast in FFXIV the past five months, though!

  2. Even if the patches after Endwalker feel a bit slow or just different in general since they'll be establishing a completely new story, XIV's playerbase will take it in stride. For many people, Stormblood ranks a bit lower than Heavensward and yet we all went through it, enjoyed the really good parts, shrugged off the slightly less good parts, and made it to Shadowbringers (even before knowing that Shadowbringers would blow up our minds). XIV is Yoshida-san's lifework. The game is going to continue for a long time and we're all gonna be there to experience it 😁

  3. Thinking about what you said about achievements that last and crafting. There was recently a multipatch event (started 5.11) in which all the crafters of a server were collectively working to restore a wrecked zone. There was a bit of an informal race between the servers to see who could complete their restoration phase first. I contributed in the server that completed Phase 1 first. In the end, whichever craft contributed the most points got to be featured in a monument in the zone (our culinarians won on our server)

    No personal title was granted or anything, but it was a fun, lasting moment to be part of.

  4. You also didn't mention for things to do: Deep Dungeons, Chocobo Racing, Sightseeing Logs, Ishgardian Restoration, and stuff you still haven't even unlocked yet until later expansions!

  5. Hm… have you ever checked out PvP in FF14? I've just started there and though I'm not near close enough anywhere, it seems really fun… Not that I want to keep you from MSQ but it you were a PvPer in WoW, it might be worth a try 🙂

    I always find it strange when people double down on the LFR system in WoW… I mean, we have the same here in FF14, and what ever it is, but people seem to be happy with it… No idea how players though about it when it was first introduced, but it doesnt seem to have the same stigma as WoW has… And I cant really see why…

    The pressure in any game comes from yourself 🙂 Fun fact, I enjoyed my time in WoW for years, I loved Cataclysm and WoD, and though I hated the story in BfA, I really liked the leveling zones (Drustvar ^.^). And I was super happy about LFR, it was the first time I was able to see a raid from the inside – and since so many quests where tied to that content it was just great to finally have that opporunity. In BfA I then started with raiding… and though I refused to do Island Expeditions, the grind of another AP, this time with the pressure of a raid team attached… it took a lot of my joy in the game away. I suppose other systems and mechnics played a role but really ever since I started raiding with a fixed team… that joy faded away. To the point that I cant really remember any real good times anymore o.o … Would be interesting to see if savage raiders in FF14 have the same "problem"?

  6. Cob I've followed you for many many years now, Seeing how happy you are in FF14 makes me excited to log in and play FF14 for myself, Been loving it over the past 2 weeks. You will always be the Destro Lock GOAT. Take care dude.

  7. Played wow since UBRS was the hardest 15 man raid. Went hardcore on pve until wotlk, then went hardcore on pvp to get glad… then shadowlands hit… torghast killed me and turned me into a lalafel. The end.

  8. Just started playing ff14 and look who shows up on my YT feed, the person who made me switch to destro lock with Cobrak 16 🙂 the 1v2 against the mage/ret outside of stormwind is one of my fav clips

  9. im mid video. listening to ppl bashing LFR and cross-realm play, i see nothing wrong with those *IMO*. you can literally into almost everything in FFXIV and there also is cross realm play since you can visit other servers; if you use LFG you will be paired cross realm too.

    the thing with wow is that every expansion does not expand the game. i feel every expansion actually subtract from the game and add "new stuff", garrison was a throw away, pandaland farm was a throw away, classhalls was a throw away… you can only queue into past expac duns (as max level) through 1 week event. raids are useless after another tier release. how could would it be if you can scale your party and queue into the illidan, jaina, ragnaros, lich king fights?… makes you wonder… comparing it with ffxiv. you can queue into any expansion dungeon, trials, etc.

    good video. I'm a wow fanboy as well.. good to see you enjoying another MMO! keep on it.

  10. I'm almost two months in… about halfway through ShB now… my journey in greentext meme:
    >ARR. Cool, typical FF.
    >A bit slow, but fun.
    >Liking paladin. Tanking fun.
    >HW. Oh shit, this is wild.
    >Hit 60. Gunbreaker.
    >Stormblood. Wow this is a little slo..w…. wait what in the fuck just happened? LIBERTY OR FUCKING DEATH!!!!! YEAH!
    >ShB: Ah so it's another FF expac seems legi…t…. oh my lord this is the darkest fucking game I have ever played.

    Blown away by this game. Holy shit.

  11. My allagan tomestone has been on max for 1 year and yet I still do the daily roulettes without spending them haha
    And despite not maximizing them by buying gears, I never felt behind during dungeons or raids 😀

    Some days where I can only play for a few minutes, I'll just log-in and do some high level dungeon just to get into that "mmorpg" feels and relieve stress then log-out and deal with real life stuff. It's the best MMO out there for causal gamers. And I daresay it's the best MMO out there for all types of gamers actually. It has the hardest contents a game can offer (Ultimate) and the most casual ones as well (like fishing ).

  12. Sizeable chunks, my friend! Take your time, you only get to level each job once on your character 🙂
    Take that from someone who has almost all jobs max (DRG 60, BLM 70, NIN 78, BLM 53; the rest is 80)

  13. @Cobrak have you done any beast tribe quests(reputations)? It's a very nice alternative to get EXP for your alt jobs and has nice rewards like emotes/mounts/glamour.

  14. Man u are so right somedays I just log in do some dailies and just hang out with my in game friends play some music etc and it's good fun good clean fun no one being mean or toxic just a great fun time 😁

  15. As a longtime ff14 andy, glad your enjoying your time in eorzea. I play casually since i work weird hours and doing harder content with groups is difficult for me to organize. Lately ive just been going ham on making gil, taking advantage of this wave of new people and putting lots of gear up for sale and making millions. Started leveling ninja and dragoon, running dungeons with my gc squad and their stupid op damage, just being super chill and loving it.

  16. FF14 to me is a cooperative single player rpg and I love it! I get to take my time with the story and when I feel the desire to hang out with people I can – or craft – or just explore. So good 🙏🏽

  17. The main problem of Wow is that no one will get into it in 2021. So every player jumping off this ship and not coming back is NOT getting replaces. Like an old body losing more cells than it can replace.

  18. Most MMOs have always been fun especially if you were there with the huge wave when things are new, like maybe a new release or a new expansion, patch, update, what have you. The real question is will it still be fun if you're years behind, because for most MMOs out there, old content is just simply discarded, and even fewer MMOs giving you a chance to actually take said old content in its intended way, or as close as possible.

    As a result, most MMOs just become a rush to the latest endgame stuff, and as much fun as older players say their MMOs are, you won't be able to have that because again, you weren't there when it was fresh, but you can with whatever latest stuff there is.

    XIV though, has its narrative as the main focus, and gives rewards to older players for helping new folk in older duties. Not to mention said narrative's overall quality is good enough to make folks care. Sure, you won't have that experience with everybody when they got to it the first time, but it sure is hella fun to see the newer folk see what we saw narrative-wise, because as long as you didn't see any spoilers, the impact for you should be fresh, and we sure love seeing those reactions, be it with excitement, bewilderment, or indifference. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it doesn't have to be anyway.

  19. your focus on story and wanting to try all the jobs and see their stories, instead of following the current streamer meta "RUSH TO END GAME, BLIND PROG EVERY EXTREME AND SAVAGE IN DUTY FINDER BURDENING A BUNCH OF RANDOMS, MUST BLIND HARD EXTREMES AND SAVAGES WITH NO GAME KNOWLEDGE!!!!" is awesome. lmaoo your style is extremely refreshing and fun to watch, gives me good feels and nostalgia from when i was doing it

  20. When you get to dark knight, please enjoy the story! It's written by the same writer as the Shadowbringers and new Endwalker expansions. it'll give you a taste of the kind of story to come 😀


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