11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting FINAL FANTASY XIV!

In today’s video I give you my top 11 tips for beginners – from a beginner! – that I wish I knew when I started playing Final Fantasy XIV 🙂

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Thanks for watching, see you all next time! 😀

#nubkeks #finalfantasy #ffxiv


24 thoughts on “11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting FINAL FANTASY XIV!”

  1. Another tip I'd give would be to do your "leveling roulette" every day on another class you plan to play. The main story quest won't out-level you until the 2nd expansion. Might as well level something else at the same time for just around 25 minutes a day. You also unlock rogue (ninja) as soon as level 10 in Limsa Lominsa.

  2. Another tip I’d give is, once you’ve purchased the full game, to join a free company. Most of them run an exp buff and something else useful as well, like increased meal durations or reduced teleportation fees. You’ll see people shouting in major cities advertising their free companies; do your due diligence and ask what fc buffs they generally run, are they new player friendly (which almost all are), and join one! Nubkeks wouldn’t have been underleved at 47 if he had an fc’s exp buff running.

  3. So glad you've been enjoying your time with the game! It's legit refreshing to see someone so committed with taking their time with the game and exploring all it has to offer outside of the main scenario quest.

  4. Great tips! Thanks for compiling these. The UI could indeed be a full video on it's own and if you have time and can do one that would be awesome! I did not know about the shared bars…or how to make that cast bar larger…so off I go to tweak on my UI. Thanks so much!! I've still not caught up with you, but I am working on it. I keep finding stuff to look at, explore, do…and then the next thing I know it's time to call it a night and I didn't touch my MSQ (shiny things abound!). I'm just having so much fun!

  5. 1 month ago: "Its all just hype and streamers trying to make money, the game is mediocre at best"

    Today: making guides for new players and explaining how you can lose dozens of hours to fishing.

    We Gottem Boys!

  6. Really good tips here, especially the hotbar explanation and the click-and-drag for gearsets and other menu items. A lot of that is far from obvious but helps the QoL of anyone playing the game immensely, so the more people who know about it the better.

  7. A tip you'll learn when you try casters out is that you can move during the last half second of your cast without interrupting it. Definitely helps decisions to be greedy or not when moving out of AoE.

  8. You can also create a macro that opens a "job menu" by using /hudlayout 4 (or a different number) to switch to a HUD that only has the jobs, select the job, then have another macro that switches back to your original HUD. This can clean the clutter on the bars by having all the possible jobs stowed away in another screen.

  9. Finally a video that helped. Thanks!

    So many of the videos are either 7 years old, or made last week with other new players that don't know anything lol.

  10. Keep up the good work. On a sidenote, I've been watching you since the first days of you playing HotS and I have to say I love the new hair, please don't them! And keep tying them back it suits you.

  11. I started with a conjurer and leveled that focusing on the main story quests/blue unlock quests and got to level 30 and unlocked white mage. I then found out that bards could play music so was going to make a new character and level that like you would in any other mmo, but as that isnt needed in FF14 where did you get your xp to level your other jobs, given the main story quests etc would have already been completed with your first run through as your first job? Is it just quicker to make a new character?


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