10 Most Tragic Moments in Final Fantasy 14

We’re doing a list of the 10 most tragic moments in Final Fantasy XIV. Hope you enjoy!

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22 thoughts on “10 Most Tragic Moments in Final Fantasy 14”

  1. Eh … CoL, while i already know the scene that the thumbnail is reference, might i suggest you using a generic one like your WoL with a shocked face or something ?

    I know SHB is out a while already but i imagine some unfortunate players might get spoilered by that bombshell of a thumbnnail

  2. Gosh you could make such a huge list of tragic moments from this game. Something most recently that gets me is Venat's walk where you get to see how she suffers along with rest of us for thousands of years. That whole sequence was masterful. I also think about the ending of ARR and the walk into Ishgard. We lost everything, and they show that cold, windy walk across the bridge. It was night when I entered the first time, with that slow, solemn music. There wasn't even any other players around. Just me, the music, and the snow. It felt really lonely. I think that's why Haurchefant's death hit me so hard because he was such a bro for us when we needed someone.

  3. 🎵Do people talk about Edda no no no no one speaks about Edda!🎵 No seriously I know I'm not the only one who remembers her the poor woman😭

  4. My sad moment is the ending of the healer questline from endwalker. Seeing who the blasphemy was and how fordola was breaking down. Then the after math of the battle. Where you get to see them move on, it was emotional for sure.

  5. My favorite is probably was probably the endwalker scene at the end of Ultima thul. Where you have the endwalker buff on you "you feel the weight of a thousand worlds yet you can still walk on". While the real theme of the zone plays and shadows of the past talk to you. So good

  6. There's a little side quest in old Sharlayan that starts at the Last Stand for a sandwich delivery. You end up meeting Papalymo's father. That got me more than a little choked up

  7. Your #2 on the list, remember that in the final moments of ShB when you talk to each of your companions about whether, and why, each will continue to fight Emet after the revelations of Amaurot. We talk to Ryne last, and one of our dialogue options to comfort her is to say “A smile better suits a hero.”

  8. The baby scene killed me and my first time going through it my sound wasn’t working so I didn’t get to hear the voice acting. I was a sobbing mess and my fiancé sat next to me to give me hugs after that whole scene was over. To be honest , I cried during a lot of endwalker . So many things were going on in my life that by the end of it made me appreciate the people I call my true family.

  9. I’m still genuinely angry at the writers from when they decided to kill Moenbryda and Ysayle. Unlike everything else in the game, their deaths felt unjustified imho.
    But anyway, nice list and I do agree with it

  10. Out of every moment from the start that left me a bubbling mess, the last one got me the worst. I actually stopped and just sat there staring at the screen for probably 10 minutes. That was lowest low as far as characters go. The two worst for my WoL was when you get thrown to the ground in the Crystal Braves fiasco and that time Z possesses you.

  11. Had to come back to video for another honorable mention. The fight with Ranjit vs Thancred in my opinion was also really sad. The overall tone of the fight puts Ranjit out of Thancred league and how Thancred is basically just stalling for time. He has to resort to desperate methods just to get a one up on this man ,and at the very end your last cartridge you use still wasn't enough to kill him. Only to make him retreat. Afterwards you get a nice scene with Thancred exhausted and reminiscing on how much he really cared about Minfilia. If that's how our boy would of exited the game I would of been fine with it. But nah he is fine like one cutscene later !

  12. While I agree all of these are top 10 worthy, how the hell is Hydaelyn/Venat dying not on this list? Even if it was slightly predictable, that entire scene got me. And, when Emet-Selch gave his whole speech when he finally faded off into the Aetherial Sea.

    Though, to be fair, Endwalker really deserves its own list. This expansions been emotional as hell.

  13. Gosetsu seeing Yotsuyu's body after the events of Castrum Fluminis and sobbing as the screen pans away and fades to black will probably always hit the hardest for me. But this is a great list!

  14. Matsya's race towards uncertain safety, desperately trying to calm both the baby and himself… it's a real tear-jerker and truly deserves its position.


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