THE CACTUS MOUNT! Asmongold has been farming the Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy 14 for a month straight and get 2 Million MGPs for the Sabotender Emperador Mount (THE BIG CACTUS). The day has finally arrived!…
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That instant karma on the platforming minigame was so good. It happened so fast he accidentally called himself an idiot 😂
I used to sit at the Gold Saucer trying to get all the bunny stuff lol
But now I need to get this mount after the car mount anyways
I have so many other things I want to do and I still want to get through the MSQ to Heavensword already…*sighs*
grats! that was sofun to watch! so happy for u!
As a fan of cactuar congratulations and I had to get this one too. It's awesome
Meanwhile people are probably going to say
So how's post-heavensward coming along?
at least he is actually earning some mounts. not all of them are just given to him. I'm very happy to see the more satisfied smile upon doing all of this himself.
I've seen a lot of clips of Asmon playing in the Gold Saucer. I think he needs an intervention for his gambling addiction, lol. That said I'm glad he's enjoying his time in FF14. I did when I played it as well.
WoW: It's a special mount! It has different colored eyes!
FF: You want to ride a giant glowing inflatable cactus?
meaningful choices = satisfaction = value
grats on the sabotender mount! that was a real struggle xD
The ffxiv mount offs are gonna be fun.. can't wait to win
Not gonna lie that mount makes me smile
Asmongold The Gold Saucer king!
Dude nice job on getting the mount I heard you say that you bought a $400.00 mouse please send me any PC or PS4 items you don't want or need I got shot on the job and my workers compensation really suxs I get 33% of what I was making which is total crap. Please keep uploading video's.
"Did you get the cactus?"
"What did it cost?"
"10.000 gifted subs."
I 100% sure asmon would also like Monster Hunter World
I've been playing since 1.0 and still don't have this mount lol….
I'm just so damn happy to see him smiling and getting that feel of achievement. GG Asmon, keep it up!
Does this mean hes actually going to do MSQ now?
Tick tock tick tock. Lalafell Asmond is about to dock.
The satisfaction on his face…… priceless.
Morbid Mount next LOL
Actually FFXIV has a Darkmoon Faire way more fun and challenging than Wow.
I'm so proud of him
Watching that man run leap of faith and Air Force one like a speed runner shows he spends way too much time on the ahold Saucer lmao
dog shit cock ass horse shit game
I feel super confident in FFXIV jumping puzzles after playing since 2.0 but GODDAMN he picked it up quick! He must've spent an ass load of time practicing in that mini game. Love to see him happy!
Now he needs to grind for FFXV car
Most of the negative comments here are from WoW players. Their happiness is dying along with their game.
No, I don't play either games. I found Asmon through a transmog comp video here on YT and stuck with him since then.
a fucking cactus?
One of my best entertainment theses days : Watch Asmondgold getting a mount that less than 3% of the players have. This mount represents real determination right there awesome congratulations 🎉 🎉
Imagine a mount you can farm in game that looks unique AND has unique animations.