🌱 Psybear Reacts to FF14 ULTIMATE TEA – World 1st Clear

Reacted to TEA a few weeks ago and wanted to throw it up on youtube!

Sfia Pirion’s video: https://youtu.be/yLoko-TILLk?si=Fz8XPIjAkYYIgwVh


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14 thoughts on “🌱 Psybear Reacts to FF14 ULTIMATE TEA – World 1st Clear”

  1. Really cool watching this reaction to TEA. You pretty much nailed every mechanic you saw, a couple were off frame but what are you gonna do. In my opinion, TEA is hard for the first 4-5 minutes just because of the learning, execution, and one mistake = wipe. After that, the rest is pretty free, assuming you practiced Wormhole in a simulator. In my opinion TEA is the most fun fight in the game, but I still think DSR is the "best" fight in the game.

    Ignore anyone saying this fight will take months of prog. You cleared a8s. My group BLAZED through this fight in less than 20 hours of prog because we were all having such a good time and were motivated to learn. TEA is by far the most approachable ultimate that people will respect you for clearing.

  2. Cant wait for you to do the omega raids and then react to TOP! Your insight is amazing for someone who hasnt cleared. I did it in 12 days in PF, im sure it will take you like a week or less

  3. A thing to point out is that during the triple burndown at 35:30, those damage waves make up 25% of the outgoing damage in the fight. I haven't been watching your savage stuff because I like to do them blind and have yet to do older content, but glad you've been enjoying the raids!

  4. I think what you and a lot of people seem to forget is the hard part of an ultimate is the blind prog. mechanically if you look at each step on its own no fight is difficult including ultimates. the ability to consistently execute these mechanics b2b over 18 minutes whilst maintaining a near perfect rotation (at least when relevant) is what will keep these fights difficult even with the blind side of things removed by not being amongst the first to clear. Sadly, unless you intend to do ultimates on patch, you will not be able to truly get the "as intended" experience with this content due to how syncing down works, job changes and ofc the release of new jobs. if you really wanted to clear an ultimate the old ones are a hell of a lot easier these days. probably on par with current savage tier

  5. Sfia and Max actually had a call where Sfia walked through this entire fight in detail (including the story of unlocking the hidden mechanic) – if you could dig it up it would be a great watch to understand more about what is going on

  6. Looking at the slowly-expanding frost circle they use to set up their ice block with the water tornado, it strikes me that you could make a fun mechanic where
    a) One character will have the circle and two will have tornadoes.
    b) Then the boss does something akin to Ultra Flash AND does a double-stack mechanic.
    So the party has to bait into a position where the tornadoes are close enough to each other that they'll both be hit by the frost so they both turn into ice blocks, but far enough that the double-stacks aren't hitting each other. And also people getting into position have to make sure they aren't getting either ice block killed or stepping in the frost.
    I dunno, I think it'd be a neat solve.

  7. Tea was a blast. Great music, mechanically once you know it and get some pulls it you’re fine. DSR is a whole different beat though. Execution is king especially there. DSR tool ultimates to a whole different level.

  8. This was my first ultimate so I was dying to watch your reaction to it. Having you watch a fight blind where you understand the fundamentals of each individual part and reacting to the fight unfold similarly to how we felt watching this during world first prog is a joy that can only be found in the world of MMOs. Great video.

  9. Oh and about your comments at 31:00, I don't think you're being arrogant at all. I C41'd my friend in a single lockout because she spent countless hours studying the fight and watching others do it, the hardest part of the fight by far is getting through the first 6 minutes, Limit Cut and BJCC are the biggest walls in the entire fight. If the rest of your group knows what they're doing, you can genuinely knock this fight out insanely fast if you're competent and studied.


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