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Music Playlist: https://bit.ly/3lWPo3q
#GeeMoon #holoID #MoonA_Live #Moona_Hoshinova #hololive

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【ID】Aturan yang perlu diingat saat streaming saat menunggu dan sedang berlangsung:
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Enjoy the stream and let’s be friend ♡
【Moona Hoshinova】
☆Facebook Pages☆

☆Live : #MoonA_Live
☆Live Game : #GeeMoon
☆Live Mystery : #MoonaBoona
☆Live Karaoke : #MoonUtau
☆FanArt : #HoshinovArt
☆Meme : #GrassMoona
☆Fan Name: #Moonafic

= Credits =
☆BGM Stream☆
Waiting Screen : https://youtu.be/VCjfxBdEv3M
Live : https://youtu.be/VPBqpyub4Kc / https://youtu.be/29DH5Y5fdbo
Opening : https://youtu.be/mDMa2HtP508
Overlay : https://twitter.com/hiiragiryo
Default Background : Izu
holoID dance Gif : https://twitter.com/Morfall_kun/status/1379342565821014017?s=20
Stinger : https://twitter.com/Furai_sen/status/1381246968379240450?s=20
Assets : 7MDigital
Art and Tutorial : https://twitter.com/robbilgigih/status/1519232616662441985/photo/1

Don’t forget to follow and subscribe to my sisters!
Generasi 1
【Ayunda Risu】
• Channel: https://t.co/3AI0d4Vkbo?amp=1
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/ayunda_risu

【Moona Hoshinova】
• Channel: https://t.co/W68ItCZBTg?amp=1
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/moonahoshinova

【Airani Iofifteen】
• Channel: https://t.co/ATHpGQeH2b?amp=1
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/airaniiofifteen

Generasi 2
【Kureiji Ollie】
• Channel: https://t.co/VJ3jCqeGR3?amp=1
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/kureijiollie

【Anya Melfissa】
• Channel: https://t.co/Up4HqrcnSG?amp=1
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa

【Pavolia Reine】
• Channel: https://t.co/aKgza8DGQf?amp=1
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/pavoliareine

☆Official cover website
☆Official Twitter hololive Indonesia
☆Official Facebook hololive Indonesia


32 thoughts on “【FFXIV】Back in FFXIV!【SPOILER ALERT】”

  1. Thank you for this delightful gaming stream, Moona! We Moonafics enjoyed watching you play Final Fantasy XIV again! It has been a long time! Returning to our epic fantasy adventure felt enthralling as you explored that familiar magical world! Taking on many quests and fighting against monsters! You seemed to have gotten quite a lot of EXP from them! Your commentary was also amusing to listen to and the voice acting added to the immersion! How nostalgic!

    Coming back to this game sure brings back memories! You’re already making good progress! Can’t wait for more to come hereafter! Let us start from a new beginning and continue from here as the story moves to the next chapter! Tomorrow, another action RPG waits for us on the horizon! We’re looking forward to seeing you try out Elden Ring! OtsuMoon! Moonafic Dayo! 🔮❤️

  2. ムーナがFFXIVやってるーーー

  3. I am a subscriber of yours since recently and I see your entire live shows, they are very fun and I hope to continue seeing you for a long time. Goodbye moona 💜💜💜

  4. Terima kasih. Teman baikku Moona Hoshinova. Hanyalah dirimu yang kuharapkan. Karena Moona begitu memahamiku. Aku doain agar moona dan keluarga moona sehat selalu. Sekali lagi Terima Kasih Banyak Temanku Moona Hoshinova! 💜💜.

  5. Tbh i want to see Moona enjoying until she reach the real moon expansion a.k.a. Endwalker

    Yeah i know i hoped a lil bit too high with her schedule. But still glad she immerse herself with the recent (ARR) story

    One suggestion if you may, Moona
    If you already in the game, it will be blast if you show the title screen since you still on Shadowbringers expansion or even review the trailer. I guarantee you won't be dissapoint


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