I was very congested during the recording of some parts please forgive me…
Written guides:
Rotation Videos:
Optimal Drift – https://youtu.be/suUrxb3CohQ
Double Solar – https://youtu.be/Aqpt0aqC5z0
Loop – https://youtu.be/c4JlsvC4VIg
Nito – Secret
tfvsjs – days of daze
Hyakkei – Reading
Ando San + Ben Rossett – Gimme Alladat Luv
Prune Deer 話梅鹿 – 2 Days to Escape 還有兩天
TTNG – Baboon (Instrumental)
Tom’s Story – Anchors
Tom’s Story – Mugatu
00:00 Intro
00:32 Core GCDs
03:18 Chakra
04:10 Buffs
04:14 Riddle of Fire
04:53 Riddle of Wind
05:24 Brotherhood
06:20 Perfect Balance
07:02 Masterful Blitz
07:57 Elixir Field
08:13 Rising Phoenix
08:32 Celestial Revolution
08:55 Phantom Rush
09:13 Odd and Even Windows
10:02 When to Perfect Balance
10:17 Openers
11:57 Lunar Solar
12:55 Double Solar
13:31 When to use which Opener
14:09 3 Rotations Explanation
15:50 Rules of Riddle of Fire
16:24 Odd Window
19:18 Even Window – Optimal Drift
25:24 Even Window – Double Solar
26:56 AoE
28:03 Situational Skills
28:17 Six-Sided Star
28:59 Anatman
29:21 Thunderclap
29:47 Riddle of Earth
30:07 Outro
how long should i practice on a dummy, should i be able to do the perfect rotation for 10 min before i can be considered comfy on the job?
Based guide from the monk man himself, thanks to this I was able to awaken my true form and snap punch my way to rank 1 on fflogs
Jokes aside I had to rewatch that p4s clip 29:31 like 10 times. Left me in absolute shock just like the insane quality and effort put into this guide
Bless you Ive been enjoying this class during this tier and this is gonna help me more
Great work! In expansions past, I was always apprehensive to learn Monk because it seemed too complicated, but the changes brought by Endwalker made it so appealing. This being the first time I've ever tried to REALLY learn the intricacies of a jobs' full potential, I think this guide does an incredible job of explaining everything.
What's bis race for monk mr pb
Very good guide, amazing job as always PB
mnk seems extremely strict and very punishing if you do just 1 mistake in your rota i noticed my dps dipping hard defo not an easy to pickup job great guide though
I am sorry to impose with a question after all your hard work, but could you explain why Dragon Kick>Bootshine>Dragonkick is the more optimal Lunar choice than a buffed Bootshine>Dragonkick>Bootshine? Is this just ease of implementation?
I don’t really play monk much anymore, but still appreciate the dedication of my original Monk-senpai. Love you, Wulf
Great guide! Watching the snap 1 rotation being explained with those visuals unlocked a part of my brain
It should be noted that nothing beyond the basics is really necessary for normal difficulty content, beyond openers and burst windows for mid-high difficulty content, and beyond the actual rotations like Optimal Drift for savage content. Optimizing is good, and fun too, but dont let it intimidate you away from the job if you dont need it, and dont let it suck your attention span into getting that extra 4 damage off an auto-attack timer and away from actually doing mechanics.
Holy guacamole, this is top tier guide making. Concise in both verbal and visual explanations. Thank you for the effort! Monk is such a crazy job.
I picked up the job a few days ago, got all of the basics down, but this video dropped to me at the perfect time for me to learn the more advanced concept which I really wouldn't have figured out on my own (how to structure the riddle of fire window, I especially got my mind blown when you got to the snap punch 1 and 2 part which makes perfect sense but I would've never figured it out lmao)
Thanks a lot for the guide !
This is definitely the definitve guide for monk that I will link people to. It's a very digestible version of the text guide from the balance. Thanks for leading the charge for this version of monk! I hope this guide stays relevant for a long time
I've been grey parsing since I started savage in 6.0, now it's time to watch the guide to still be grey parsing but with higher numbers, thank you PB 🙏
this is the best monk video guide out there, very well done
Awesome guide! I wish I could edit half as good as this lmao! Also thank you for saying SSS is useful. I've had countless arguements about how good this skill is but people don't want to listen.
The best monk guide – great work as always PB
I have a few questions, sorry in advance for the amount of text but your response would be greatly appreciated.
1: Is this sim for comparing openers @ 15:26 available to anybody? I'm currently running with my static in an almost perfect comp for double solar (Dragoon Eye/Battle Litany, Dance Partner, Chain Stratagem, Embolden) and I'm curious to experiment myself with different scenarios.
2: How accurate is the sim? There's a lot of things to account for and I'm not quite an expert on spreadsheets so I wouldn't know how to go about calculating these things. Lunar Solar Opener has the benefit of taking more advantage of crit buffs after the crit change to make the extra leaden fist bootshine hit quite a bit harder in lunar opener on top of the guaranteed chakra generated.
3: Assuming the damage sim is not publicly available, would double solar still be the more optimal opener with the composition I listed in question #1 if the boss kill was somewhere around 7:30–7:55?
Love the information you've provided, a large majority of questions I may of wanted to ask on discord have been cleared up after this video's release.
what an absolute legend man thanks for this guide
Ey Bro, i love your discord server.
Awesome guide. Truly going above and beyond good shit man. I hope the other mentors follow suit with their classes.
"If you've committed to my short film you're ready for the big boy stuff"
me, watching this, struggling to just not drop my buffs: i have my doubts
I did the first and now the second pandæmonium tier as Monk blind. And I can definitely say that without your helpful guide Mr. PB, I couldn't have performed as well as I have. Truly, Monk is for the god gamers out there.