With this video I take a deep dive into the strategies used when ocean fishing for points in Final Fantasy 14. I go over using LuLu’s Tools for points, job actions to use to prepare for a spectral current, and what job actions to use during a spectral current. Hopefully after this video you’ll amass enough points for the Ultimog achievement, Hybodas mount, or any other point achievement you are working towards.
/// Chapters
00:00 Introduction
00:29 LuLu’s Tools
03:50 Strategy and Job Actions
06:08 Spectral Current – Identical Cast Method
/// Resources
Lulu’s Tools
/// Tags
Ocean fishing, Lulu’s Tools, Lulu Tools ocean fishing ffxiv ocean fishing, ffxiv
General guide on how to set yourself up to get high scores during Ocean Fishing. I hope this helps and may RNG bless your fishing rod on your adventures on the floating casino. 🎣🎣🎣