Is Final Fantasy 14 GamePass a SCAM? Final Fantasy 7 Remake Never Coming to Xbox | My Thoughts

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#finalfantasy14 #finalfantasy7remake #xbox

00:00:00 – Final Fantasy 14 Release Date on Xbox
00:00:52 – Exclusivity Deal Extension
00:01:41 – Xbox and Game Pass Starter Edition
00:02:32 – The Strange Free Trial System of Final Fantasy 14
00:03:15 – Subscription Fatigue and the Future of MMO RPGs
00:03:58 – Game Pass Perk System Scam
00:04:46 – Final Fantasy 14’s Free Trial Offer
00:05:26 – Impact on Subscriptions and Community
00:06:10 – Thoughts on upcoming games
00:06:52 – Thank you for watching


28 thoughts on “Is Final Fantasy 14 GamePass a SCAM? Final Fantasy 7 Remake Never Coming to Xbox | My Thoughts”

  1. I'm enjoying FFXIV on my Xbox almost got to heavenward. I don't mind the FFVII remake not coming to Xbox but I still would like the FF pixel remaster to come to Xbox.

  2. 1. Yoo you're looking good haven't been by in streams in forever <3
    2. I got xbox buddies who can't wait to play –
    3. I can see WHY this could feel like a scam, and it's a valid fear/opinion – and its' a discussion the community should be questioning about consistently <3

  3. Xbox doesn't need ff7 trilogy you can whine but all games should be on all platforms but there wasn't the Xbox in 1997 and idk i just don't like Phil as the xbox dev bc he sits and complains why isn't this game on xbox idk sony and steam has a better handle on JRPGS and Sony is winning in the concle wars.. idk I just find it funny how Xbpx famboys will cry over everything plus a Xbox is basically like a dumb down pc… I'm sorry but the Xbox brand makes far more questionable decisions than sony

  4. So I'm in the free trial on Xbox, been waiting for this game since it came out. Also I'm on game pass. So if I play through game pass I get boned out of content? But if I purchase the full edition, while still on game pass, I'm worried it's gonna mess up my character and what I have access to.

  5. If you know anything about xbox. It will be a reoccurring game pass perk just like all there other stuff..y’all are seriously trying to over complicate this shit when it isn’t that complicated.. not to mention the Mogg store clearly says that their payment things are changing in late March I wonder what that is referring to? Some common sense goes a long way.

  6. They need to do it like swtor if ur subbed you get full access to everything including expansions and u can choose f2p I’ve never done f2p but imo this is the best way to game if it has subs or f2p

  7. Is he talking about the Washington post article and the articles citing the article. I was always told that the Washington post wasn't credible. So I take what that article says with a grain of salt. They never said it would never go to Xbox, but it would be after the trilogy is completed. Kingdom hearts came to Xbox. With Squares new boss you will never know. Plus, that Washington Post article already had to be edited.

  8. I will never support the idea of a one console world. Having all the games be on everything leans in that direction, and I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to see that would be bad. No competition, means no innovation. We already see that with activision, EA, Blizzard, Ubisoft and most of Sqaure Enix. Rockstar games so far is the only 3rd party publisher that doesn’t make ass games. GTA series and red dead series are an exception, not the rule.

  9. I played the trial and im mid in Stormblood. The GP perk isn't a scam. The trial cuts you off at level 70 meaning you can play but you no longer gain xp, your gil is capped at 300k and you cannot join/create a guild, no pvp, no market board despite it also being a generous free trial. The starter edition unlocks all of that plus 30 days without the subscription so you literally only need to have Game Pass. If you plan on going past 70 its an excellent offer.

  10. Hey brilliant content. Have a question as a long time player of ffxiv since the original beta on PC and still play on my laptop which is chugging along lol. When the Xbox full version is released and I transfer or use my main ffxiv account on it, what are my options for purchasing the full game. Like subs plus gamespass, and I definitely dint want to restart again lol.

  11. The FF VII stuff wouldn't piss me off if we just heard all of this 4 years ago. The way they keep us in the dark and keep playing with our hearts with FF XVI and VII remake is what's annoying. With that said, I mostly just want the pixel remaster collection and Tactic Ogres Reborn on xbox more than the newer games. Yeah I can play them on the switch right now, but I want to achievement hunt some of my alltime favorite games. FF VI was the first final fantasy game I ever saw when I was at some rich kid's house with an elevator when I was visiting my grandparents in the early 90s and that beginning always stuck with me.

  12. FF7 never coming to xbox because, Sony lost a billion dollars in stock value when Microsoft bought Activision Blizzard. People moved their money thinking it weakened Sony in the long term. To lose SE as an exclusive would go further to harm PlayStation.


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