Square Enix forgot to remove some of the weapon effects of Futures Rewritten (Ultimate), also known as Eden Ultimate, from the latest Final Fantasy 14 Patch so the data miners did their thing (Note: these are just the VFX, not the actual weapon designs). Xeno reacts to FRU weapon effects and compares them to TOP weapons.
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#Xeno #FFXIV #dawntrail
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c
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Hey guys, Leo the editor here. I want to make it clear that these are NOT the final Futures Rewritten Ultimate Weapons – these are just some VFX that Square left in the current patch. The final weapons will look different. It is also possible that these are an earlier version of the effects and that they might change by the time the Ultimate drops. We'll have to wait until patch 7.11 to see the actual FRU weapons!
TOP weapons shouldnt't have been white/purple it made no sense.
Eden was always poised for purple/white for Gaia/Ryne. The weapons also had a lot of purple. So they never really had a chance to make the colors different.
That being said…these effects look cool on the base weapon – I can't wait for them to apply some ugly monotone overlay to them and ruin it.
The effect looks alright but I wish the reaper weapon looked different it’s awful small for a scythe. Looks like a nail file.
I think the video screen is worst than the weapon effect lol
Bruh, it is just TOP glow, but in slightly different shape and without changing colours. TEA is still the king in shiny weapon department.
Where is the leak for your hair effect fppong
these look really bad…hope its not final
any 1 have link to see all wep ?
Leak? Really? SE is actually pretty good about that stuff – didn't the last leaker for Square get put to death?
Maybe i just have bad taste but these weapons look cool af
why tf do you even care bro. all you gonna use is that ugly ass p8 axe anyway.
media tour strummer….. hypertisk
Is the diamond weapons new? Or just old weapons he hasn't seen yet?
Music is more exciting than the weapons
TOP and TRU look wildly different lol
Kinda similar in color to TOP, but I'm just excited for more cool-tone ulti weapons.
The only thing T.o.P sbout the design is the colors, white and purple. Other than that it isn't the same, if anything is something vastly inferior to what TOP offered.
Youre very hard to please. Im VERY happy with hownthe effects turned out so far
What’s the name of the song in the background on stream
Personally i thought they'd have a Hraesvelgr or Ascian motif for their design, but these look cool still.
I've got trypophobia and those fucking wings make my skin itch. I hate those weapons.
I agree, they do look very similar.
Looks so much better than Top weapons imo despite being similar
The diamond glowy effects make it look like lifestream is coming off the weapons. Absolute bangers.
Such exclusive weapons are always going to be tricky to design. You have to balance player expectations, previous designs and future potential designs. Not to mention the small profile makes it impossible to create visually impactful designs that stand out from one another.
Weapons look ugly
Ultimate weapons always look like shit and never match anything i’d much rather see them make mounts or at least be a bit more muted like the ex weapons so you can at least try to make it match something